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Normal POV

By the time the trio got to the exit of the tunnel, they watched as Bishop and Tamara fought. They also seemed to have been having a conversation; "I didn't become a vampire because I wanted to. Eternal life? A noble existence? You can shove all that up your ass!" 'Damn, that's relatable' (name) thought to herself before shaking her head lightly. Now wasn't time to relate to something.

"How dare you say that after making the blood pact!"

"Sucking blood like a damn mosquito is boring as hell!"

This was quite a strange exchange but the thought was shoved away when (name) let her grip go of Iba, "I need to go help him" she mumbled before losing all feeling in her legs making her stop to the ground. "(Name)-san/(name)!" The two behind her ran to her side. Ryoko placed a hand on the half-vampire's arm in hopes of calming down the non-human's feisty state. Instead, she remained determined.

(Name) tried to stand but found herself weak; "(name)-san, you need to rest. If you don't, you'll be pushing your body too hard" The brunette scolded lightly. She was finding out how stubborn (name) was but she found almost admirable as she thought back to those six words: "I need to go help him" despite her pitiful state.

"I know but I can't just watch and do nothing." The (h/c)nette growled as she grabbed the ground and pushed herself up. It was a tedious process to watch the vampire struggle to stand. Once up, she stumbled but caught herself. Ryoko's eyes widened at the sight of (name). The vampire looked feverish and was panting in exhaustion; but yet she still insisted on helping Bishop. The look in her (e/c) and red eyes showed nothing but perseverance. All the previous jealousy and dislike that Ryoko felt towards her was washed away; there's no way she could dislike someone who thought more about others than herself.

(Name) panted a few more times before taking a deep breath in, exhaling out just the same. Then she stood up straight with a hard look on her face, 'there's no time to be resting' she told herself. Looking at Ryoko and Iba, (name)'s eyes made them straighten up as she said "I trust that I won't have to help you when the time comes" with trust. If they've come this far then they were strong enough to keep going.

Prideful nods leave the two who watch (name) compose herself, "Bishop will be fine" she said after deciding to wait for the right time to help the blonde. Most likely, it was to help herself more than the two behind her. As the three continued to watch Bishop and Tamara go at it, they gasped as Bishop shot the Ark. Watching as the Ark fell, (name) dashed to it leaving Ryoko and Iba in awe at her reaction and speed.

With her speed, (name) was able to catch the glowing orb at the last second. Tamara soon followed with her hand reached out only to get interrupted by Bishop who stood in front of (name), gun in hand. Turning to look at (name) with kind eyes, "this thing really is beautiful but if I break it, he'll get mad." The gentle gesture made the teenage girl smile softly.

Out of the blue, a dark chuckle was heard; "it's beautiful." Eyes widen at the voice as everyone turn to who the voice belonged to- a tall man dressed formally.


Bishop growled in hostility. (Name) felt her nerves freeze and her heart drop. For the past six years, she's feared meeting this man who probably didn't even remember her.

Without hesitation, the blonde man raised his gun at the pale man who's grin remained strong. "Judging by that glow, you gave the Ark Sirius blood as instructed in the old document. Good~" Yevgraf began, "don't handle it carelessly. Its worth is more than your worthless life" he ended bitterly. The glow in his eyes was intimidating as he scanned Bishop searching for the Ark before his eyes fell on the girl behind him.

'(E/C) and red eyes that shine in the moonlight like a bloody lake. (H/C) hair that flows like the wind... ah, so this is...'

"It's good to see you again, (name)."

The vampire lord greeted sinisterly causing the said girl to flinch as a glare danced on her face. She could feel Bishop give her a confused gaze but ignored it, "bastard" the (h/c) haired girl cursed aloud. The tension was rising as the two exchanged challenging gazed. "Forgive me, my dear but I'd like the Ark if you don't mind," Yevgraf's grin never fell as he watched (name)'s glare hardened- just like her mother.

Not even a second was wasted before (name)'s mouth opened to give her answer to Yevgraf, "well you can fuck off because I do mind. The Ark doesn't belong to you- it belongs to Yuliy" she growled. Hearing the Sirius' name made Yevgraf chuckle, "It belongs to Yuliy? How bold of you to decide who it belongs to." If (name) wasn't scared earlier, she definitely was now as she saw Yevgraf's grinning face turned into a hard glare.

His crimson ruby orbs poured pure malice and (name) had never felt such fear in her life. Her nightmares couldn't compare.

Yevgraf took a step towards her and Bishop while (name) shook slightly with fear emitting from her feminine form. Feeling the need to protect the teenager, Bishop put out an arm in front of her, "(name), run! I'll hold him back!" He shouted protectively as he gave her eyes that said: "go! I'll protect you!"

But unfortunately, his wish could never get carried out. In no time at all, Yevgraf was behind Bishop; "run? Hold me back? You couldn't even protect your teammates before so what can you do now?" BAM! The sound of a gunshot filled the air and within that very instant, Yevgraf had dodged the bullet as he drilled his sharp-nailed hand into Bishop's chest.

After processing the gunshot, (name)'s ears rang from how close the shot was. Grunts of pain could be heard making (name) direct her attention to the sound only to gasp in shock. 'No.' Her blood ran cold and her hands shook. She couldn't believe the sad sight in front of her. She didn't want to believe it. How could she?

If only she had been faster. If only she aided Bishop in trying to kill Tamara. If only she didn't distract herself with talking to Iba and Ryoko. If only she could've protected Bishop like how he did to her when Tamara tried to grab the Ark. If only she paid more attention.

She wouldn't have had to feel this punch of guilt and suffering.


◞(⚭⃚⃙͐·̫⚭⃚⃙͐)˩✧ ◞(⚭⃚⃙͐·̫⚭⃚⃙͐)˩✧ ◞(⚭⃚⃙͐·̫⚭⃚⃙͐)˩✧

Oi! Wazzap, goobers ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)

Thank you guys so much for the questions so far! Some I know the answer to and some I don't- hopefully I have an answer by the time this book ends. ★~(◠ω◕✿)

Well that's it for now! Bye now!! ( ^ڡ^)

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