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"Oh, (name). Fancy meeting you in here. Mind if we talk?"

"What the hell do you want... Mikhail?"

(Name)'s voice was venomous as her gaze never left the man in front of her. Unlike the younger though, Mikhail had a grin plastered on his face "no need to be hostile. Like I said, I want to talk- that's it." He raised his hands defensively; he didn't seem dangerous and appeared to be telling the truth, judging by the lone towel that wrapped itself around his waist showing he hid no weapon.

Debating if she really wanted to listen to Mikhail, (name) thought about the pros and cons: maybe Mikhail wanted to spill information about Yevgraf, maybe he wanted to make an offer, or perhaps he just wanted to talk about his little brother and what he's been up to. "Alright, what is it?" The (h/c)nette crossed her arms around her chest in anticipation.

The silver-head's grin dropped causing the air to thin. Stretching out his hand to (name), Mikhail spoke with a straight face "(name), come with me- back to the other vampires." Pure confusion littered the teenager's face. What the hell was Mikhail going back with him? Accompanied with a boggled mind, (name) laughed out a conflicted chuckle; "first of all, do you know what you're asking? In case you forgot- because I sure as hell didn't- last night, you threw me out a window. Why would I go with you?" (Name) asked perplexed.

"If you come with me, you'll know me Yevgraf's next steps; and if the time comes, together we can kill him. Isn't that your and my little brother's goal?"

(E/c) orbs broadened upon the offer before squinting with suspicion, surely this was a joke... right? Her squint became a glare. She didn't trust this man one bit- not after being thrown out the damn window the day after he helped her on a train. Now when it came to logical thinking, (name) thought that Mikhail's offer was more in her and Yuliy's favor. If she found something important out then she could sneak out- write a letter- or do something to tell her Sirius friend and BOOM, a plan against Yevgraf. But... what did he mean when he said "if the time comes, together we can kill him." Didn't he make a contract with the demon? Why did he want to kill him?

Mikhail chuckled saying "I suppose you have a point," making (name) all more skeptical. Perhaps it was the thought of her dream but the (h/c) head was hesitant in answering. Yevgraf. As if her dream didn't startle her already. Sensing her inner conflict, the silver haired man put his hand down "don't worry. I won't let Yevgraf touch you- to tell you the truth, I hate him with a deep passion." He said. Yeah, she figured.

His words though. (Name) felt like she could trust them. She felt a tug on her heart; one side pulled, trying to tell her to stay back with Yuliy while the other side pulled saying to go with Mikhail, collect information and maybe get the chance to strike Yevgraf. The tugging felt like torture. The decisions were torture.

Walking by the girl, the older put a hand on her shoulder "a scientist and I will be leaving at ten tonight. If you decide to come with us then meet me at the roof when I come" and with that, he walked off. Taking a quick turn though, he smirked "oh by the way, nice figure, (name)" a deep chuckle left his throat seeing said girl's ears become red. Closing the second bath door behind him, he got ready to sneak out. Dressing himself, stormy blue eyes checked the area outside and outside the bath before deciding his plan of escape- right out the front door.

It was easy. He walked out like it was nothing and strolled out the door unnoticed by anyone.

While with (name), she was a blushing mess. The moment she saw Mikhail, she forgot she was nude right in front of him. Quickly pushing her thoughts aside, she went to the seats to wash off any sweat she gained from her dream. (Name) rinsed herself off before going to the tub. Inserting her (s/t) body in the tub, (name) let out a shudder due to the sudden difference in temperature.

"(Name), come with me- back to the other vampires."

Yuliy's brother's words flashed into her mind. What was she to say? Yes? No? Would she go with Mikhail and leave Yuliy? Or would she prefer to stay with Yuliy but not know Yevgraf's moves?

Splashing the hot water against her face, (name) couldn't help but dwell deeper in the water with a fustrated sigh and some tears of fustration. Her mind felt as if it would tear itself apart! This wasn't an offer that with whatever you choose, everything will be swell- no! This was a "you might die either way" choice!

"What do I do?" (Name) asked herself. Either way, she had to tell Mikhail if she was going or not and depending on the time it was right now, she had four hours to think. Four hours to have a mental breakdown. Dipping her head in the water for a second or two before rising back up, (name) decided she finished her bath. Getting up and grabbing a towel from the basket at the door, she walked out to the first room to dress herself.

Pressure. Stress. Conflict. It all built up weighing down on (name)'s shoulder more than she thought because the moment she laid her (e/c) eyes on Yuliy, she felt her knees weaken. Her mind became a whole trainwreck of 'I want to stay with Yuliy' and 'but I could get information that could help us'.

Feeling a hand lay on her shoulder made (name) jump. Turning to her culprit, her (e/c) orbs landed on a worries Yuliy; "are you alright? You seem a little pale. Did you have a nightmare earlier. You seemed down before too" the Sirius became focused on his concern for (name) that he didn't notice her smile. Smiling at his care for her. 

It was only when Yuliy took a second to glance at (name) that he saw the sight before him. Breathtaking. That's it. There's no other word explaining the scene.

So for some reason, he embraced her in his arms trying to comfort the girl. Unknowingly to him, it had. Also unknowingly to him was the offer that his own brother gave (name) and what she thought of right then and there.

'I have to answer Mikhail's offer tonight.'


Hewwo! Hewwo! Hewwo! I. AM. BACK. WITH A NEW UPDATE! Remember when I mentioned that you had to make a choice? Well that time is now.

I want you to help me because I am conflicted as H E C K !




Comment on the names and I consider it a vote.

Something you should know though is that with Yuliy's choice comes something that I've been planning since the beginning but I ain't spilling beans.

With Mikhail, it won't progress as much (in my opinion) but you will get closer to Mikhail just like you would with Yuliy.

So... make your pick. If you ask me then I'll just cry because I love them both.

I'll give you about a week or so, so you better choose wisely and quickly. See you next time!~♡

Btw, I'm obsessing over the song from The Greatest Showman called "Never Enough". It's been two days and I've been streaming it non-stop and have practically memorized the words. :)

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