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A sigh of frustration left Yuliy's lips. His head started to twirl in thoughts as he tried to convince himself that love was dumb. 'It's all just an illusion. I don't love (name)- yeah, I don't. She's just being a distraction!' How pitiful he knew he looked.

He was lying to himself- but maybe it was for the better. It was the middle of war meaning there was no time for love. There just wasn't.

"Hey, look." 

(Name) directed; picking his head up to see where the sixteen-year-old was pointing, Yuliy saw it- South Sakhalin. "We're here," he whispered seeing the island in the foggy distance. The two stood up straight before making their way to the bow where they watched the island get closer. 

When they finally got to the port of South Sakhalin, they walked off the ship. The air was chilly and the cold wind that blew through didn't help them; shivering, Yuliy instinctively got closer to (name) to see if their shared body heat could warm them both up like penguins. 

Prior to moving, a low grumble was heard between the two. The Sirius turned to (name) who had a flushed face; 'now thinking, we didn't eat before leaving' Yuliy thought to himself letting a little chuckle out. "Why don't we go eat something first?" He suggested.

Feeling a sense of insecurity, the (h/c) head turn to see what was making her uncomfortable, only to see nothing. Turning back around, (name) nodded "that sounds good" she mumbled before she and Yuliy looked around for a small cafe to give theirself some energy. 

Walking around for a bit, the two read sign after sign "do you feel it too?" Yuliy mumbled audible enough for the girl beside him to hear. Wanting to seem casual, (name) looked around while answering "yeah, ever since we got off the boat" she said. Feeling a little relieved that it wasn't just her sensing someone behind them.

Finally deciding to stop at the cafe on the side of them, the duo walked in to- not just rest and eat but to see who the person following them was. A young lady in a yellow kimono had guided them to a table where she handed each of them a menu telling them to call her when they were ready.  

When the young woman left to tend to another customer, the two teenagers glanced over the menu while keeping their guard up. Hearing the door open, the scent of blood filled the room causing the two who sat across one another to reach to grab their weapon. 

Yuliy's being beside him while (name) reached under her coat where her wires were. The clicking of heels got closer only making the two open/grab their respected instruments of combat.

"Don't do it."

A deep voice warned. Letting their gazes land on the man who called out to them, they observed his features: blonde hair, dark blue eyes, a hat and western style clothes. Taking a seat beside (name), the mysterious man smirked don't pull out scary stuff like that here" he said before complementing their idea of pub choice. 

Both Yuliy and (name) were still suspicious of the man who came out of nowhere. Moreover the fact that he smelt like blood! 

"Don't worry about the bill, it's on me. So stop glaring at me like a dog, Yuliy Jirov. You too, (name) (last)." Surprised that an unknown man knew their identities made the two more suspicious. Glaring at him harshly, (name) asked the blonde for his name to which he replied with a quick "Bishop. I'm one of you," now this interested the two. 

After learning the man named Bishop was also a Jaeger, the Sirius asked him of where his group was. This seemed to be a bit of a touchy subject but nonetheless, Bishop talked about it briefly as he told the story of his group who were annihilated by a group of vampires. 

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