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"Has consuming the Ark made you mad?"

Mikhail asked in hostility. (Name) couldn't blame him because she knew very well how powerful the Ark was. To answer Mikhail's question, Yevgraf only grinned and asked "don't you see this torrent of power flowing in me?" in a taunting tone. He was toying with them and they knew it.

Sending death glares his way, both Mikhail and (name) prepared for battle. Mikhail's nails grew to claws as he was the first to attack. His moves were swift but they weren't enough for Yevgraf had dodged the assault with ease before throwing him out the window. Hearing his body slam into a piece of metal, (name) gritted her teeth and readied her wires for an attack but was interrupted when Tamara called out to Yevgraf.

"You're still Master Yev right? The kind Master Yev who'll save us from this disease, right?" Her voice desperate for an answer; and a answer Yevgraf had. Turning to Tamara, Yevgraf kept his grin, "yes. You don't have to fear the disease any longer," he began to say prior to grabbing the vampire behind him; "you shall make a new pact with me. The true ancestor!" All three vampires watched with wide eyes as Yevgraf bit into the neck of the vampire. The result was it struggling before turning to straight up dust.

'What the hell did he just do?!'

(Name) felt shivers dance up against her spine filled with fear. "Hm, it appears that it will only accept those of nobler blood. If so..." Yevgraf directed his gaze to Tamara, "what about you?" This frightened the girl as she felt her body move on its own. She could feel Yevgraf pulling her towards him, "n-no... stop" Tamara's pleading whimpers filled (name)'s ears. The (h/c)nette could see the fear and told herself that was the final straw.

Flashing out her wires, (name) launched herself towards Yevgraf, breaking his focus from Tamara. Spreading out her hands, the half-vampire created a net; "oh? So you use wires as a weapon. How original and magnificent~ just how the daughter of (m/n) should be. Oh but I do see a hidden meaning behind the wires. A puppet. You feel like a puppet on strings." Whatever Yevgraf was saying was stirring something up in (name) as she watched Yevgraf dodge her attack.

Turning behind her, she threw the wires- also something she was good at for she had excellent control- around a metal beam. (Name) quickly braided some wires together and jumped to the ceiling where some of the wires had been attached before dropping herself back down where she backflipped over Yevgraf. All the while, she wrapped an arm over his neck and leaped back up to the ceiling while pulling Yevgraf with her with every intention of killing him. Her method was wire-hanging. A noose type of thing but with wires that are braided together. Unfortunately, she knew that with the added weight, it would decrease her strength and speed but even stopping him temporarily would probably deem helpful.

When (name) landed back on the ground, she instantly ran to Tamara, throwing her arm in front of her protectively; "listen, I'm sure you can see but this isn't the Yevgraf you know. He's been corrupted by the Ark." The half-vampire couldn't lie to the younger (looking) one as she took a quick glance at Tamara before looking back up where she left Yevgraf hanging only to find him gone.

"Mm~ incredible thinking- and such swift reflexes. I must say that I commend you on that."

Gasping, (name) turned her head only to meet the crazed crimson eyes of Yevgraf. She had been hoping to have more time. "Even your wire-braiding was brilliant. It was like a dance of a puppet." Again that word. Puppet.

"Why don't I give you an offer?"

Yevgraf grinned making (name)'s chest squeeze; "(name)... d-don't" Mikhail stuttered in pain. His voice was strained to the point where it almost hurt to hear it.

"It's quite simple, really- join me. Rule beside me as my daughter and I'll give you anything... even a pet dog."

The 'pet dog' the corrupted man had referred to obviously meant Yuliy and that's what got (name) tick. Once again, (name) jumped up, wrapping Yevgraf's throat with wires but this time, she was in front of his face and the wires were thinly braided meaning they were stronger and could cut more precisely and easily. "Yuliy is no one's pet" the (h/c) haired teen growled with her fangs bared and the crimson of her eyes beginning to glow to the point where it looked as if the hue of the (e/c) was being overtaken. And whether she actually scared him or not, Yevgraf could feel the aggressiveness and hostility fume out of the shorter framed girl.

Yevgraf's grin became more twisted as he felt the blood-lust leak out of the half-vampire. When he opened his mouth to speak, (name)'s wires got tighter, "tell me..." he struggled to breathe (good. Die you son of a-) "has this boy gained so much of your trust that you'd betray your entire race?" His question was unexpected but (name) answered without a moments hesitation.


And she tightened the wires to the point where they finally drew blood. Yevgraf only chuckled as he said "you shouldn't take me, the true ancestor, so lightly~" not even a second later, he had (name) pinned to the wall by the throat. The sudden impact made the air in (name)'s lungs leave making it harder to breathe for her.

"Let's see how you handle pain."

Yevgraf darkly suggested as he took his free hand, bring his claws to a spear-like shape and dug it into (name)'s leg. A bloodcurdling scream escaped the sixteen-year-old's throat as the pain blasted through her like a canon. The smell of blood intoxicated the night air and Yevgraf peeled away his nails, his smirk as big as ever. "I heard from a bird once that you were also injured on the shoulder. How pitiful~" and he stabbed his nails into her shoulder in the place she had been shot and stabbed before.

If you could feel the pain in someone's scream then you would've pissed and shit your pants when you felt (name)'s pain. It was so intense that for a second, she had blacked out. After snapping herself awake, (name) hissed when Yevgraf's nails left her body. Blood pooled out of her open wounds and the scent intoxicated her nose. The smell almost made her want to gag but she was in too much pain to do so.

"Yevgraf!" A voice called from above. Looking up, the slim figure of Yuliy came to view- he had also unsheathed a sword, swinging it down to cut Yevgraf. With ease, Yevgraf released his grip on (name) and evaded the assault. (Name)'s body fell to the floor making her grunt in pain. Panting, she slowly sat herself up  while blood continued pouring out of her wounds; another thing- but something that seemed disturbing was that she had a small grin.

"What took you so long, Yuliy?"

She questioned to which Yuliy replied with a smug yet concerned smirk, "sorry I'm late. Getting on the ship without the ability to fly is a little tricky." The Sirius said as he kept his gaze to Yevgraf; "just sit back and rest, (name). I'll take care of Yevgraf." He instructed, leaving no room for any disagreements. (Name) only nodded. She had lost a lot of blood and was focusing on conserving her energy at the moment. In her mind, she informed herself to wait and be patient for the bleeding to stop and let the wound close up before engaging back to battle.

Even her wounds wouldn't stop her from getting back the Ark.

(;-◞౪◟-) (;-◞౪◟-) (;-◞౪◟-)

Hey goobers! How are y'all doing today? I am currently on the verge of death.

I haven't slept in two days because of homework and I have a vocab test tomorrow on a set that I just wrote down. I also have a test in math on Probability- which I'm not the best at- so uh... yeah, fun. ( '⍪⌂⍪')

Right now it's 11:51 pm and for some unknown reason I am still awake o(TヘTo) huhu... I hate not being able to sleep yet I also hate sleeping. Gah Σ(゚д゚|||)so complicated.

Like this story (ゝ∀・*)

Ok I'll go and read more BL mangas (*≧艸≦)

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