Revelation and Bonds

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(Name)'s frame collided with the ground below making the said injured girl cough out blood on impact. For whatever reason, she couldn't let her body fall into unconsciousness; she felt as if she would regret it if as he did.

Forcing her arms up, (name) tried pushing herself up but with all the pain her body endured, she could only position her body to the side. Grunting in pain, (name) eventually felt her body numb "damn" the half-vampire cursed as she attempted to push herself up again. This time, she did better as she sat herself upwards.

If it wasn't for the fact that (name) didn't know how Yuliy and Philip were doing, she would've leaned against a wall and slept. Unfortunately, now wasn't the time. She had to get up. She needed to get up. 

It took time, patience, and perseverance but (name) had finally got on her feet (me in the morning). Hands on her knees while sweating in the discomfort of her own body; as she looked around, trying to find an entrance, (name) found a nearby door. Going through and up a few staircases, the teen eventually met up with Dorthea and Fallon who was carrying an injured Philip, "(name), you alright? Philip told us you were thrown through the window!" Fallon asked concerned. 

The trio stopped in their tracks when (name) zombied passed them, "Yuliy... did he go after... Kershner?" She mumbled making the other three fret for the half-vampire's well being. "he told us to take care of Yuliy before running up the stairs" Dorthea told her with intentions to relax (name). Alas, the sixteen-year-old continued to trudge towards the next set of stairs. 

At first, Philip forced his voice out to stop her but to no avail; then Dorthea and Fallon tried to reason with (name) saying that the male in question would be fine. Maybe it was pent up anger or the guilt of not telling Yuliy that she was sorry for their argument the night before, (name) clenched her hands into fists, "what if he won't be okay?! I don't want to regret not being there for him when he needed someone." The tone in (name)'s voice sounded desperate. Desperate to reach the one she wanted to protect.

With a conflicted sigh, the tan woman put a hand on (name)'s shoulder, giving a reassuring squeeze- but it was almost like she was trying to reassure herself, "I understand where you're coming from so I won't stop you; but keep in mind that we're also worried. So with that said, make sure Yuliy doesn't die!" Dorthea winked as she gave (name) a nudge. 

Now with the encouragement of her teammates, the (h/c)nette nodded back to them; with whatever strength she could muster up, she began to make her way up the stairs before her. While making her way up the last set of stairs, (name) could hear the shouting of Yuliy "why? Why did you keep it a secret from me?! Tell me!" Huh? Keep what a secret? Getting closer to the door, (name) decided to not invade.

"It was all due to my pride and ego. I thought that if I saved a wolf pup who had lost all of his friends and family would atone for my sins." Willard told the Sirius who felt a tug on his heart. The professor continued his tale knowing that Yuliy gave him his undivided attention; "but I was fine actually being one of your enemies because I had already accepted the fact that when you found out everything, it would've been my time to die." The older man closed his eyes with content as he awaited for Yuliy to kill him as he did with Kershner. 

"You can't be serious."

Yuliy's expression was filled with hurt. Blinking away the tears that threatened to escape, the Sirius let his hands that were clenched onto Willard's collar, tighten "is that all you're going to say about the past ten years?!" Yuliy started to shout. The pain in his voice was so evident that it moved (name) who just listened in, feeling that it was not her place to step in. 

"All I saw was the blood of the Sirius- but I stopped. Do you kinow why?! It's because you were my emotional support! Sure, (name) was my support as well, but you! I thought of you as my father- the father figure that I've hardly remebered!Because of you, I was able to live up until now. Why did my mother and brethren die? Why did my brother have to become a vampire? Is it because of the Ark? Please tell me, Professor! Professor Willard, I have to know! As the last remaning Sirius... I have to know." 

Yuliy's plead reached the said professor because he placed a hand over Yuliy's as he sat up; "alright. I'll tell you everything I know. But first- (name), I appreciate you not intruding but I don't think eavesdropping is any better?" The professor called out surprising the two teenagers, "(name)?" Yuliy questioned, turning to the door where (name) revealed her beat up form. 

A drop of sweat glided down (name)'s forehead as her hand rubbed the back of her neck, "sorry, I wanted to see if you guys were okay so I ended up hearing everything." The nervous teen smiled sheepishly. Seeing the satchel that hung on said girl's shoulder, Willard grinned "I see you completed your mission," he said gaining a small smile from her. Yuliy was confused. What book did (name) have to get for the professor?

The half-vampire walked up to the two males who had now stood up. Handing the satchel over to the professor, (name) was tackled in a hug by Yuliy only to yelp in pain causing the Sirius instantly back off. "Sorry about that! What did my brother do to you earlier? When I opened my eyes, you were gone," Yuliy wondered agitated; "oh nothing much, just threw me out a window. You know- the usual" (name) sarcastically shot back. 

Yuliy's eyes widened, "he what!?" He shouted; kicking his own brother was one thing- but throwing (name) OUT THE WINDOW?! That seemed to be going a little too far; "are you alright? Why did you come all the way up here? Didn't the others try to stop you? How are feeling right now? SHouldn't you be down there resting?" The sapphire eyed teen waved his hands around the smaller frame of (name) frantically. 

"I'm fine. A few bruises are all I'll get." 

(Name) let out a breathy laugh watching Yuliy's distraught. Everything that Willard had revealed didn't appear to change the bond between the two with each other nor himself. A bond that brought them closer- that's something that they all held close.

A bond that could go an long way.

(ノ>ω<)ノ :。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:♪・゚’☆


Uhm... hewwo ^3^ ugh, I don't want to go to school on Wednesday! Don't be surprised if I don't update as much- it's because of school. But I will try to create future chapters at least tomorrow.

What did you think about this chapter?

Do you think I could have made it better?

Do you think I want over the top and made it too... cliche/dumb?

Tell me what you think. In the meantime, I'm going to go to bed (meaning: go on YouTube and watching whatever catches my eyes).

I'll see you next time. ><(((.______)

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