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Returning to Hogwarts shined a new light on the Black twins, Narcissa was relieved to see that they were bustling with energy. Especially after the holiday that they had at the manner. It was rendered one for the books in the youngest of the three sisters, however at least the negotiation of either her wedding being postponed for further notice as these claims were driving everyone mad.

Bellatrix was flourishing with her freedom and ability to follow the Darklord right beside her husband Rodolphous. While Narcissa was in a different approach, she wanted to get married as quickly as possible yet it grew strained in either her fiancé's mind and hers. Not that much since it didn't matter until she left school. Nor was she going to be as vocal as a follower to the Dark Lord, being much more content in just being a wife to Lucius

Aurora's head of house, Professor Flitwick shared his abided fortune for the Black girl and her brother as they were growing and shaping into their true colors quite nicely. Ms.Black was at the top of her class without much effort, and Sirius seemed to be doing well academically. As he attempts to ignore his behavioral attitude and the number of detentions that he's managed to rack up.

Even though houses standards were appointed differently.

He was happy to write her letter after the final exams and gave special mention to hopefully make life easier when they return home to the Black manner. It was a secret worry of both heads of houses to see them go back.

Either of their friend groups did not know what truly goes on, nor does Aurora . herself know the truth as to what happens when they came home, she still thinks he had gone to the Lestrange's. That the bruises were from Quidditch practice.

They were still children. A parent's promise felt like the law.

Luckily they were off at their Germany manner, which allowed a bit of nature. And it was Aurora and her two brothers laying the grass just soaking up the sun that their completion desperately needed.

"How are the boys?" She questions, leaning to look over to Sirius. Regulus thought it wrong for him to continue this talk outside of school, but tattling would result into something awful.

Even if it happened last year, he still remembered his sister's screams after her father had taken a strike to her face. And nothing will let the imagine out of his mind after seeing their father crucio Sirius until the brink.

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