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At the current moment however Aurora offered a smile towards Rabastan but continued to take a book from the shelf, only issue is she had been stopping growing in height for a bit now and she was patiently waiting for it to continue to fall down to her hand.

    Yet another one had intercepted it, making her look to her side and see that Rabastan had taken it as an invitation to join her. "Busying yourself again Aurora? Ever take a breath?"

    Okay so perhaps her own hormones were in overdrive as well, but was that such a bad thing? Ever since a young age was she meant to woo men, the whole point of her diet being implemented just last year.

    So she smiled up towards him. "I guess when I'm in the air flying I take a breath, otherwise my breaks usually include fiction reads Rabastan." She had counted his use of her first name, so she had returned the favor.

    "It's not that horrid out, would you like to take a fly?" Her eyes sparked in the instant. Betraying her inner workings as he smirked.

"Excellent, besides I need to practice my swing." She hummed, he had been switching between chaser and beater depending on the games.

    "I don't recall saying yes, I have to—"

"As I recall we learn this topic in transfiguration next year in regards to our OWLS. If it were Alchemy then I would say perhaps. Come on." She pouted and said that she wanted to check out the book.

    Thus allowing him to lead her out of the library and onto the pitch. She was a little reckless but seeing the pitch itself amped her up.

    "Hope I left something in my locker to change into..."

"I believe a true witch should learn in a dress Aurora, seeing as you're into all that muggle lore. Aren't the women seen more on brooms." That had her stop and gawk in his direction.

    "H-how do you—" He simply waved her off in terms of going to the Slytherin locker room. Which she found herself in a predicament only being able to wear her practice leggings as well as her sweater.

    Rabastan had beaten her in getting airborne and she flew on up without his knowledge as she had taken his casual tossed Quaffle before whipping around to laugh in his direction.

    "No goggles darling?" She stuck out her tongue in protest and he already knew that this was going to be a very poor decision.

    So with that, going back and forth to just get the sense of tossing it to and for...It allowed Rabastan to concoct a plan, a very Slytherin based one indeed.

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