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Aurora found herself in the oddest of places, a smile on her face and a relaxed face as she leaned against the cool exposed castle rock. For the first time in a while was there nothing for her to do, her eyes demanded a break from reading. 

Her hands still ached from all the note taking...perhaps she could catch up on some sleep?

She had all the options in the world, and it made it all the better as Regulus came running out into the courtyard with a bright smile. 

"Rory you were right! The potions practical was so simple!" She smiled, nodding as she was feeling the bliss of it all at the moment.

"Are you packed?" She questioned, and he shook his head. "Was going to do some now and some after dinner, I need to empty out my locker too." A very devious smile emerged.

"I could use a fly, want to join?" Merlin did he love it when she asked, from his experience gals didn't rightly like sports all that much. But his sister was an active contender, playing and dominating the field whenever she was on it.

Even if she was a Holy HeadHarpy fan, all could be forgiven as they went along towards the field.

She had to borrow a jumper, but she's been seen wearing Rabastan's from time to time that it wasn't that much of a difference in Regulus' eyes.

He had seen how from the time of her start at Hogwarts their parents stopped forcing green down her throat, but still sought to it to incorporate silver into the mix.

Aurora took the time to show him a few moves to try, and now that she was mere hours from graduating he wouldn't be able to use them against her. Anyone could agree that she should win the best player award at the 7th year graduation.

He then began to wonder what other sorts of awards she would be given, her house award sure. Potions, Alchemy...The list would go on and on.

He now realized why she was out and about like this, the poor girl needed a break. And he was going to ensure that Rabastan abides by that, without the plan of bombarding her with a proposal.

After the entire 'Heartless bitch' issue, he was worried that Rory would be stuck in a marriage that she didn't want.

Rabastan, on the other hand, had a little plan of his own. His mates...But mostly Dorcas, inspired him to have the idea of finding an unused room and making it into a romantic dinner. The elves were prepping a feast right now on top of their duties to the rest of the school to prepare a meal.

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