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Sirius was called shortly after the Slytherin's departure, but they too didn't get a good explanation in. Aurora was simply talking in circles, but she was defiantly more entertained by the marauders and Lily than her supposed boyfriend and her brother.

"So...So Rabastan isn't my boyfriend?" 

"Nah, you two had a spat, been off for a few weeks now." Sirius laughed, and it just confused the poor girl even more. "Then why'd he say—" 

"Save his arse princess, you're very scary when you want to be." She didn't feel scary, she felt rather scared of everyone around her.

What wracked her brain were questions, hundreds of them, but she felt too self-conscious on the out chance that it'd look dumb to ask. Madam Pomfry however had been working on a quicker paced potion to return her memories, and the second it was in the vial she was thankful. Especially after the countdown timer.

"Bless you Madam Pomfry, that was a nightmare." 

"Sure it was entertaining, just a bit on this end of it...Get some proper rest now darling. And don't force yourself for the full moon. Mr. Lupin will understand." She let out a fitful smile before walking down the hall, complete and utter confusion warped her mind as it was shocked expression being sent her way...

She knew there was bruises still on her face, but people didn't need to be so rude about it.

And when she finally did arrive in the grand hall, it felt like every eye managed to stop and stare off in her direction. Yet she somehow continued off to her seat beside her friends, only for Clementine to wrap her arms around her in the instant.

"Merlin Rory, you can never ever ever do that again!" She returned her friends hug and looked to the rest of her table. 

"Do I look that bad?" It was a hurricane of comments that suddenly bombarded her as she finally had to plant her hands over her ears.

"Alright I need one person to blood speak or you are all getting a detention for bringing back my headache." There had been more than a few chuckles, although the first years took her warning seriously.

"Well there's been an investigation on how your charm worked for everyone else but not yourself," Harper whispered, and she stilled. "What...? An investigation over what?" Harper started to see the temperament, this was going to be a massive fight.

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