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Her friends might not have questioned what she saw, but she felt Sirius' lingering eye. Little did she know that he had his own appointment, but it wasn't her brother who was desperately writing in the journal. It was Remus...


He had been a spiral mess since the faithful DADA class that morning and he asked if they could meet up. Astronomy tower, get the cloak.

James wasn't again Remus borrowing the cloak, especially when it's to visit Rory after everything that has happened.

Since the Astronomy tower was simply a walk down the hall for Ravenclaws, Aurora scooped it out. Hugging closely her fur coat that Narcissa had gifted her as she knew the warming charms would be the first addition while being up here in his opened windowed area.

"Rory?" A voice whispered, and she instantly turned around. Only to see Remus' head pop out from underneath the invisible cloak, causing her to giggle.

That alone was enough to have a steady breath leave his lungs for the first time since seeing the boggart.

"You get out alright? Not going to get in trouble with Lestrange right?" 

"Course not, he thinks I went to bed. And after today I think we can all use a good dreamless sleep." Remus hummed in agreement with that as he slid down across from her.

"You know, if I didn't know your handwriting so well or how you talk...I would've assumed it was Siri." Remus could've thrown himself off the astronomy tower at this moment as he never signed his name, but as the book conversation had continued Aurora assumed early on that it wasn't her brother after a few lines.

"Here...It's from last Hogsmeade trip." She offered, it was a deluxe bar from Honeydukes and he groaned. "I wasn't able to go last time, thank you." He took it without complaints because one way or another she was going to find a way to get it down his throat.

She snuggled further into her cloak as she gave him a soft smile. 

"Did Sirius tell you what he saw?" He had, but that was going to be a conversation between siblings as seeing a loved one like he had being a conspiring Death Eater and dying right in front of him?

That was a conversation for another day.

"So it's alright I didn't tell him what happened over the holiday..." 

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