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Aurora couldn't get comfortable anywhere in the home, she tried so desperately but everyday was spent in agony as it was just a countdown as to when their family Owl will deliver the test results.

Sirius knew she was worried, actually everyone knew...other than their parents. They just assumed it was hormones or whatever showcased in an almost sixteen-year-old teen, a gal no less. 

That and there had been some improvements of their young daughter's relationship with Rabastan so perhaps she missed him?

Orion had been kindly looking through documents, the arguments only festered worse as Walburga seemed to be having it out for Sirius ever since he had stepped foot in the house. 

No matter his grades, the only thing that did pose of interest was the number of detentions he's had and who he's settled with. 

Halfblooded or mudblood alike.

Course his son fired right on back while little Cassi and Reg would simply duck and cover to the sidelines. 

There were days where no one spoke to one another, and other days where Orion knew that Cassi was healing her brother's cuts and scrapes.

Although it was brutal practice, there needed to be discipline in the Noble House, and this was surely the last resort.

And for Sirius, it was becoming the last straw. He was debating himself through and through, he had his bags all packed just in case he had enough courage to make the sacrifice after all. 

He knew that if he did leave, there would be no going afterward. That he would be disowned like those before him with nowhere else to go but to the Potter's.

However on days where there was nobody but them over, or they found sanctuary with Narcissa or even at the Lestrange manner than it was fine by him. But all days were not like that, and some were painful to even have his sister cryimng beside him as she was worried that it wouldn't heal correctly.

It had been easier to hide on other times, but his parents were making it known now as perhaps a tactic for his younger siblings to fall in line...

And here they all were, their mother off on some mindless errand while Aurora seemed half minded at the game they were playing and just sipped her tea and continued to eat the given 1/3 of the biscuit she picked up ages ago.

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