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Aurora seemingly woke up due to her brother's ignorance as he shifted back into human form all when she herself was leaning against him. Hissing darkly in his direction before she fell out her form with a thump.

However, when Sirius looked down to his sister her blouse seemed more than untucked and he threw off his jumper to hand it off towards her.

No way in hell would he let his mates see her that bare.

"What happened to your shirt?" He questioned, and she looked down for a moment before quickly putting on her brother's offered Gryffindor jumper. "That usually happens, it's better than losing your clothes during the switch over...How's Remmy?" She questioned, turning over slightly only to see that the two others were attempting to get him dressed.

"Rory do you have your bag, there's a pretty decent sized cut on his shoulder." She took that as a sign and darted upstairs while Sirius sat back and watched the scene unfold.

His sister was so caring and kind, thorough with her work and to see her side by side with Remus it sparked a smile on the eldest's face. Everyone he loved was in this room, beside Regulus.

But he doubted there would ever be a chance for him to be in the same room willingly with him and his friends.

They'd never be on the same side like he and Aurora were, but unfortunately she would always be split down the middle with proving herself to the family and disregarding what she thought was right.

Remus was particularly awake, but it was a blessing to the gods that he hadn't said anything revolving his infatuation with his best mates sister and thus he remanded quiet and calm while she stopped the bleeding, cleaned and dressed it all before heading off towards the infirmary.

Course when the boys and her had actually gone to the infirmary that morning Aurora explained to Madam Pomfrey the cut and what she had done to it. McGonagall, who was worried on the night's activities seemingly came in as well, but Aurora had been the last of the group to stay for another moment.

Yet walking in on the nurse and Aurora talking about some medical terms, it had the deputy mistress smile. As well as place a hand down onto the young Ms.Black's shoulder.

"Goodmorning Ms.Black, how was last night?" The young girl blushed, remembering just then that either of the women beside her know about Salem and so she nodded.

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