Prologue - First Encounter

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Wynter stepped out of her matte black Audi Jeep as her heels scraped on the concrete floor. She was late but the traffic from her office to this site was hectic. She also wasn't going to apologize for being late because she wasn't even supposed to be here.

This was her assistant, Leanna, job. Of course on her way to lunch she got a call from Leanna stating that she couldn't make the meeting because of her son being sick.

Being a mother, herself. Wynter understood and brushed it off. That was until Leanna gave her a call back to say that the poor kid caught the chicken pox and because she was a single mother; she requested two weeks off.

Again, Wynter understood her and granted her the two weeks off, with pay. She was pissed but this was money and a big job.

Her feet scrapped along the concrete ground and all you could hear was the sound of it dragging. Click, clack. The sound was annoying to her and as she made her way to the men that had irritation etched on their faces.

Wynter swung her hair over her shoulder and looked at all of them. Some of the men was blocking out the sun while others were admiring her.

The sun was beaming down on them and you could see the little sweat beads that coated the outline of their fresh haircuts and the top of their lips. She rolled her eyes and clasped her hands in front of her vagina area.

Keraun, stood alongside his men and watched the woman who came out of the Audi.

He was passed annoyed. The sun was hot, this chick was an hour late and he was ready to go home and light up a blunt. He sucked his teeth silently when he remembered that he had a dinner to attend that his best friends was throwing him. They wanted to welcome him to Greenville Falls.

Keraun watched from the corner of his eyes as the lady took off her shades and scanned each and every one of them. He had to admit that she wasn't ugly. Her skin glo'ed with the sun as it's rays beam down on her, her eyes had a little glint in them which made her intriguing to look at.

Whoever this chick was; she was a beautiful woman indeed. Something about her gave off this prissy vibe and he wasn't dismissing it for anything.

He wasn't one to judge anyone unless he got to know them and based them off of what he knew; personally.

The woman placed some of her hair that blew in the wind behind her ear and that's when he got a glimpse of the R and R tattoo behind her ear. Although the tattoo was small, he still spot it.

He was often told that he could be too observant at times and he couldn't help but question if that was a bad thing at times.

"Who's in charge here?" Wynter asked, refusing to step in the dirt before her.

The men looked back at Keraun as he stepped forward. Wynter walked over to him and held her hand out. Keraun accepted the hand shake.

"You're late."

"Actually, I'm not. My assistant was supposed to be meeting with you men today but she got caught up."

"That's an extra hour of payment. My men had things to do but I held them off from leaving."

Wynter rose her eyebrow up at him. "Who are you again?"

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