Chapter Twelve - Hang Day

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The ball was tossed between Kerauns leg as he bounced it. He was playing ball with Ace and Ash, then he had plans to spend a little time with Kaina and maybe Wynter depending on how he felt.

"What's new with y'all?" Ace asked while trying to steal the ball from Keraun.

Keraun double crossed him and shot a three pointer. "Ain't shit really."

They were just free styling to see who could get the most points in and of course Keraun was winning seeing as he played a little basketball when he was in high school.

That was never something he always wanted to do and when he messed up his ACL, it just made the decision so much easier for him.

Fame wasn't his thing so it wasn't hard for him to let go of the ball. He was just glad that he still could've dibble and dabble in it with still being able to play as good as he did back then.

"Swoosh! On ya mama boy!" Ace cheered watching his ball go in the net.

"I wasn't paying attention."

Ace waved him off while slapping hands with Ashton. "Nah nigga. Take your head out the gutter and get back in this game. I know you ain't willing to lose that one grand on this shit."

"Fuck you Ash. That's my money and you bitches know that shit."

Ace placed his hand on his heart like he was heart. "Did he just call me a bitch?"

"I think he did." Ash instigated.

Ace started patting his hair while acting like he was chewing on a bubble gum. "I got yo bitch, bitch!" He mocked the loud girls.

Keraun and Ash laughed as Ashton ran and snatch the ball out of Kerauns grasp before dunking it.

"Right in her pussy!" He started beating on his chest.

Ace walked up to him with his phone on Snapchat. "Say that again for Giselle, right in her what?"

Ashton pushed Ace out of his way as they all started laughing. Ace saved the video in case Ashton pissed him off one day for leverage.

Keraun had twenty points, Ace had fifteen and Ash had nineteen. The first one to reach twenty five won the grand that they put on the game.

While Ash and Ace stood in their corner arguing about the video. Keraun took the time to score his shots to win off the game and as soon as he dunk his ball in to get his boys attention. He felt his knee start acting up when he land back down.

"Ahhh shit!"

Ace and Ash stopped their bickering and walked over to the punk who was clutching his knee in pain.

"Boy man the fuck up." Ace cussed.

"Fuck you bitch. That's why I won. Pay up my shit."

They grabbed their money and placed it in Kerauns hand as he limped to his gym bag and sat down to drink some Gatorade.

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