Chapter Thirty Two - He's Here

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Wynter had just come from her office and she was slowly driving to her old house to make sure that the last people that stayed there didn't break anything for the next possible renters.

After everything that went down with Keraun Saturday night, she decided to just go back home and let things air out before she stayed with him again. However, she was sticking by her word and not leaving him.

Hooking her phone up on the phone holder that was attached to her car. Wynter accepted Milan's FaceTime call. When she glanced down at the phone she saw Giselle and Destiney in the background.

"Are you driving?" Mills asked while trying to lean in closer to her phone.

Wynter nodded and remembered that Mills couldn't see her good. "Yes mother."

"Aww baby, you shouldn't be driving and talking to us but how are you feeling? Are you still throwing up?" Giselle popped her head right in front of Mills to make sure Wynter saw the concern look on her face.

Wynter giggled at their child like behavior fighting to be in front of the phone. "I'm okay. I had the urge to vomit this morning and my fever just keeps going in and out."

"Are you sure you aren't pregnant?" Desi questioned.

Wynter stopped at the red light and looked at her phone annoyed. Was puking the only thing that dealt with pregnancy? If someone else ask her if she's pregnant she just might scream. "I took some tests and it came back negative."

Mills shrugged, "Those tests aren't always accurate Wynter. You need to go see a doctor."

"Guys, I've been pregnant before, I think I would know if I was pregnant again." Wynter argued.

"You barely had breasts when you were pregnant Wynter and not all pregnancy symptoms are the same. I still say you should see your doctor. Have you and Keraun been strapping up?"

"He's allergic to all condoms." Wynter whispered and turned a corner.

Desi popped her head all the way in the phone screen. "Now Wynter, you know these new iPhones detect the lowest sounds ever now right? The fuck you mean he's allergic to condoms and you don't think you're even the slightest bit of pregnant?"

"I agree with Desi, Wyn." Giselle sighed and rubbed her stomach.


"Oh this bitch wanna be nonchalant about the whole thing. Make me drive down there for you Wynter." Mills threatened.

"I don't want to be pregnant! This is Giselle's time and I know I'm not pregnant plus I don't want to be pregnant the same time as Ellie." Wynter declared.

"S-sorry what?" Desi stuttered.

"The Ellie that I can't stand?"

"There's only one Ellie that you can't stand Mills and that's Kerauns Eillie." Gigi answered Mills with a short chuckle.

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