Chapter Eight - Trouble

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Sitting on the hood of his car while watching his men work, Keraun sipped from the Gatorade that he was nursing in his hands.

Wynter must've had a great night or morning because she came on the site bearing little different pastries and a cooler filled with different flavored Gatorades and water.

She claimed that they've been working so hard and figured why not give them a sign of appreciation by quenching their manly hunger and thirst.

Keraun was sitting down watching her move around while bossing some of the guys around. There was something about a black woman being in charge that he liked.

He watched his mother work hard for everything that she accomplished and he always said that he needed a woman with the same mentality. It was true when they said that you usually look for your future partner based on your parents.

Whether it was a woman who wanted a man to love and cherish her like her father did her and her mother or vice versa with a man wanting a woman who held his mother qualities.

Nurturing, understanding, hard working, family oriented and lovable. That was his mother in general and his future wife had to hold all of those qualities when it came to being with him.

Ellie, once hold the candle to his darkness but once she walked all over his proposal; he just couldn't be in the idea of finding that woman again.

The two were okay now with how they were co-parenting Kaina but for how long seeing as they never really talked about the ends of their relationship.

It was best to just move forward with your life but how can you do that if you wanted answers for the things that all of a sudden went wrong?

Wynter looked around at the men to see each of them working and when she couldn't spot Keraun anywhere in the crowd, she began to look elsewhere when she spotted him sitting on his car appearing to be in deep thought.

Walking over towards him, she quickly caught the bottle that was slipping out of his hands. Waving her hand in his face, Keraun snapped out of it and looked at her with furrowed brows.

"You were out of it and I just so happened to come and save your Gatorade. That wasn't cheap by the way."


"Are you okay? It's just that you were staring off in your own world and with these machines around—something might happen." She blabbed.

Keraun smirked. "You care about a young nigga out here?"

Wynter scoffed. "There's nothing about you that is young." She sassed.

"Still riding my dick I see."

"Baby, if I was riding your dick you would be holding on begging me to never get up."

Keraun opened his arms out wide with a big smile on his face. "Let's test that theory baby."

For some odd reason, Wynter didn't cringe like she did last night on her date when Charles called her a pet name. The way baby rolled off of Kerauns tongue had her stuck.

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