Chapter Nine - Riley, Riley, Riley

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Walking back in the hospital, Keraun made his way back to Kainas room. When he got inside he saw that she was sleeping and Ellie was looking out the window.

He moved towards her and touched her arm and Ellie jumped. "Sorry didn't hear you come in."

Keraun waved her off. "Why would you have her sitting on the counter?"

Ellie ran her fingers through her hair. "For the last time, I put her there for a quick sec to get the knife to cut up her apple into slices and when I turned around she was on the floor seizing."

"It was dumb of you to put her on the counter."

"Fuck you Keraun. How was I supposed to know she going to get a seizure and fall down?"

He walked over to Kaina and kissed her forehead as she started squirming in her sleep. This little girl meant everything to Keraun and he needed Ellie to not do stupid shit.

"Did the doctor come back with the tests as yet?" He asked ignoring her.

"Not yet but don't think you're off the hook with basically calling me out with my mothering skills Keraun."

"We all make mistakes Ellie. Just be careful next time man. I'll go to war behind this little girl." He stressed.

Ellie was offended. "And you don't think I would? That's my child too!" She shouted.

Kaina moved around in her sleep from her mothers shouting and Keraun looked at Ellie like she was missing a few screws.

"Lower your fucking voice."

Ellie waved him off. "Your not my nigga, you can't tell me what to do. Your the one coming in here with fucking strangers and shit."

"That's your problem? That's why your ass over here bitching and shit in my ear?"

"You wish. You a grown ass man just don't have your bitches around her and we good."

"Watch the bitch word. That was my boss but then again ine got shit to explain to your bitter ass right now."

"You do when it comes to Kai. I will fuck you up. You'd be the first to chew me out if the roles were reversed."

Keraun sighed. "Man suck on a pop to get rid of all that salt you letting out."

Before she got a chance to respond—Kai's doctor walked inside the room. Keraun was grateful because he was getting ready to chew Ellie's ass completely out.

"We got all the tests back and Kaina here have an ear infection and a fever. Due to having both and her fever being so high, it caused her to spike a seizure and because of that we would like to keep her overnight to monitor her and to make sure it doesn't go over her limit to spike another one." The doctor explained.

Ellie was loss for words. "She wasn't running a temperature. Her body temp wasn't hot or anything."

"The fever has gone down for now and when she's safe to go home we're going to need you guys to make sure if she ever spikes a fever it never goes above one hundred and one maybe. For now we're treating her with antibiotics and she should be fine after that."

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