Chapter Five - Seat Taken?

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One hour break. That's how long she had to figure out what she wanted to eat and where she wanted it from. It was an early Monday morning, well afternoon since it was hitting twelve o'clock.

Walking into the packed bakery. Wynter walked over to the counter and ordered herself a hot chocolate with two butter croissants. They were a fav of hers when she just wanted a quick snack—especially when it was hot.

After getting her drink and pastry, she looked around for an empty seat that might be around. She was getting hopeless as she looked around, until her eyes landed on him sitting by hisself.

Part of her didn't want to go over there and the next half was just screaming fuck it she needed somewhere to sit and if he got bothered by her sitting with him, then he can just get up and leave.

Wynter walked over to his table and pulled out the seat while setting her stuff down. Keraun saw the chocolate hands that were a nude color with coffin shaped nails, she had little rings to accessorize her fingers and her gold Rolex was peeking out.

Moving his eyes up to the face of his intruder. He inwardly groaned when his eyes came in contact with Wynters.

"Is this seat taken?" Wynter smirked.

Keraun moved his Mac laptop out of his face and pushed it over to the side. He was in the middle of ordering clothes for him and Kaina.

"You're already sitting down."

Wynter playfully looked shocked. "Am I?"

Ignoring her, Keraun placed his laptop back in front of him and continued to carry out with his ordering process.

"Are you really going to pretend like I'm not right here siting in the front of you?"

"I didn't invite you."

Wynter scoffed. "Why are you so rude?"

Keraun couldn't help but to chuckle. "It's not being rude if you don't have an interest in holding a conversation with someone that you don't care for."

"Oh, I get it. You want me to suck up under you. You want me to put myself out there for your attention and that's no-."

She started before he cut her off. "Isn't it a little too late for that? I mean, you sat in my area without me giving you permission to do so and I just don't care what it is that you do Ms.Richards."

Sipping from her hot chocolate, she rolled her eyes. "What is it?"

"Why don't you just be yourself?"

"What are you a psychic? You don't know what being myself is like."

He smirked and leaned his elbows on the table. "What is it that you want? You want me to fuck you or something?"

His bluntness made Wynter cross her legs underneath the table. The words came off of his tongue so easy.

"And if I did?" She challenged.

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