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Welp, since my A/N went overlooked by some people seeing as this book has over six-k reads. I actually have something that I want to share with everyone 🙃

Dun, dun, dunnnnnnnnnn! Lmfao.

The rest that you're trying to read is unavailable.....

Lmfao, I'm just playing but for everyone that loves Wynter and Keraun as much as I do, I'm excited to ANNOUNCE that a SEQUEL is being in the works of getting made. I originally had no plans on making a sequel because I couldn't come up with a plot but like I've told one of my biggest supporters with this book that when I come up with a plot, I'll make a sequel and all it took was for me to sit here and read this book over from beginning to end.

I must say, I struggled tremendously when it came to writing this book because of how little feedback I wasn't getting on it but DestinyKeianna helped push me a lot with all of her support and comments.

I originally thought that it was a stupid book that no one was going to bother commenting or reading on but when I sat here and read the whole thing over, I honestly couldn't believe that I thought out this whole book, I honestly couldn't believe that something I've imagined, I actually put in to words and it made me realize that I didn't need validation from views or comments. I just needed it from myself which is why a Sequel is being made and I'm asking for guidance on the sequel so I can make it just as good as this one but I also want to thank everyone for even reading it even if you only read the first chapter. 💜

On to bigger and better news, when I have at least five chapters or less I will publish the book. I hate having everyone wait on chapters but I'm so excited for the plans I have for the sequel that I might just publish it earlier then I plan to sooooooooooooooooooooooo we'll just have to wait this one out! 🎉

Oh, and by the way, our GOOD girl Riley will be having her little point of views from time to time! 😊

                   -Love, Nangianni ♥️

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