Chapter Forty One - Epilogue Part (One)

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Seven months later

Wynter sat on the pool chair and looked across the pool at her fiancé who was on grill duty while talking to his best friends. She was currently nine months pregnant and she was due any day now waiting on the arrival of their baby boy.

When the news broke that they were indeed having a son, Wynter couldn't stop crying. God heard her prayers and blessed her family with the one thing that would make them complete.

The two got engaged three months ago at the opening of Wynters foundation for little boys and girls that were afraid to speak out about their abuse. Our Children's Lives Matter Inc. was a project that turned out better than anything that she's ever imagined.

Most of her pregnancy was spent with her family and her foundation. Either her time was spent thin with taking care of baby Elora or mentoring the kids that were in her program.

Without her family being behind her, there's no way she was going to push herself harder when it came to opening the foundation and letting it be expanding to Kerauns home state.

That was another thing that she did and when she said that she was pissed at the lack of information that Keraun provided her when it came to his parents and their background, that's exactly what she was.

She had met them a month after they got back together so that his parents could meet baby Elora, but what he failed to mention was that upon arriving at his house was that Wynter was supposed to curtsy.

The fool was a prince of Angletan and he didn't even think to bring it up in any of their conversations. Their parents believed that the throne was something that they should want in order to pick up the royal title, but that wasn't something that Keraun or Vanessa wanted which explained them being a contractor and therapist to save their image and to make things easier, they had to move away with a clean slate.

Kerauns father was handsome and when Wynter met him, she couldn't stop staring at him and it often had times where Keraun had to snap her back into reality while Riley just stood to the side laughing.

His younger brother, Allen, would be taking over the throne when their parents decide that they were done or sad enough, when death found them.

Allen was sweet and the total opposite of Keraun. He wasn't nonchalant, rough, blunt etc. in fact, Allen was so romantic to where every time his wife walked passed him, he would randomly throw out a compliment at her or surprise her with little meaningless gifts that she would show much appreciation to.

Overall, Wynter loved everyone in his family and as they all sat in the backyard of her and Kerauns new house having a cookout, she couldn't help but to laugh. She was living a fairytale all along and she didn't even know it.

Life and it's constant tricks.

Riley was to take off to college soon and Wynter was prepping her for the pros and cons of being in college. Riley and August managed to work things out and Wynter was accepting of their relationship once she was introduced to him the proper way. She adored the way he took care of Riley and she wasn't going to get in the way of young love.

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