Chapter Twenty Six - Rest In Paradise

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Wynter sat at her new coffee table numb to the world and everything surrounding it. Her humanity was once again switched off like a light switch.

It's always when you feel safe and happy when the devil starts moving things around just to put you back in that miserable place you fought so hard to come out of.

Here she was sipping out of her mug in her brand new house. Her old house was up on the Airbnb list. She wanted change but most importantly she didn't want anyone to find her.

Fixing her hair in the messy bun that it slipped out of she stood up and grabbed her clutch. Today was their funeral. The morning after losing her grandmother—her grandfather passed away in his sleep and her parents found him with a smile on his face.

It was weird. It was as if her grandparents were really soulmates and once her grandmother left, her grandpa saw no purpose and he just had to leave with her. He had to leave with the reason he smiled everyday, the reason he got up to fight, the reason he learned how to love, the woman who had his children and the woman who gave him her all.

Wynter hadn't seen everyone in two months and—some days she wanted to pick up the phone and call them all to see how they were doing. Wynter wanted to be in charge of the burials and everyone respected her wishes and she didn't care that it was two months later.

The new year started and she wasn't even excited about it. The way she left things you would think she just vanished off of the face of the earth when she was closer than most thought.

"Riley, are you ready?"

Riley looked at her mother standing in her door frame and nodded her head. "Yes. Are you going to be good?"

Wynter chuckled, "Come on."

The drive to the church was dreadful and Riley couldn't stop the tears that were creeping out of her eyes. This wasn't about to be easy on anyone.

Walking in the church, everyone looked back at Wynter in shock. They didn't think she was going to make it. They all tried their hardest to find her but when Wynter shut down—that's exactly what she did and it was damn near impossible to find her.

She ignored all of the whispering and stares that people was giving her. Her arm held her daughter as they made it to the front of the pew. She wanted a whole row to herself and no one was going to argue with her.

How could they?

Weeping, that's all you could hear throughout the church.

It sounded like everyone was getting beatings with the amount of hollering that was going on. Black people did the most. Half of these people didn't give a fuck about her grandparents and she wanted so badly to kick them all out.

When they were alive, no one took the time out to see how they were doing, no one dropped by and just showed their presence, no one offered up any money, no one offered to pay any bills and her grandparents was always giving their last to these ungrateful set of people.

The more she thought about, the more she was getting pissed. Milan, Giselle and Destiney did more for them than their own grandchildren. Wynter was the only one that always visited them and gave them whatever they needed without even asking for it.

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