Chapter Eighteen - Truths Part (Two)

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Destiney was standing in the middle of Brysons room waiting for him to come back with the pizza that they ordered earlier.

Today was the day that she decided to tell him how she felt about him.

Milan helped her prepare herself mentally and emotionally Incase Bryson so happened to say that he didn't feel the same way as her.

This was crazy.

Why did girls always have to be the first ones to admit their feelings to a guy?

Was it their stupid egos stopping them from being honest for once?

Was it something about the 'man-code'?

Who came up with the dumb thing about men weren't supposed to be vulnerable or better yet black men weren't allowed to be vulnerable?

The keys that Bryson had to get inside of his house jiggled in his front door and Desi made her way down to meet him half way.

There wasn't any reason for her to still be up in his room when she'll have to leave if things didn't turn out like how she wanted them to.

"Pizzas here." Bryson smiled.

Destiney nodded and stood next to him. "I wanna talk to you about something."

"You not pregnant or anything?"

Her head snapped back at his question. "And if I was?" She smart mouthed.

Bryson smiled and placed his hands on her stomach. "Then we'll be having ourselves a little baby."

She couldn't help but to smile as well. He was so sweet with his smooth brown skin, big plump lips, his eyebrows were thick but it always looked like he was constantly cutting them because of how arched they were, his little gold hoop earrings was cute in his ears and he always reminded her of a pretty boy with his little goatee beard.

She smacked his hands down from her stomach. "Well I'm not."


"Why it sound like you're trying to trap me?"

Brys shrugged, "And if I was?" He mocked.

"Stop playing for once fool." She smacked his chest.

Brys pulled out a piece of pizza and demonstrated with his free hand that the floor belonged to her.

She cleared her throat and rocked back to back, a sign to show that she was nervous and Brys picked up on it.

"I love you!" She quickly threw out.

Brys started choking on his pizza and Desi made her way over to pat him on his back. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm good." He coughed out.

"Well you obviously heard what I said or you won't be choking like you're fucking dying right now."

"Woah, what's the hostility about right now? I real life started choking and you wanna come at me wrong."

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