Chapter Twenty Five - Riley's Dad/ZeroFucksGiving

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The house was packed. Every year around Thanksgiving Wynters parents would rent out a huge house and invite everyone to just come out and eat.

All of her friends and their families would come and participate in her family dinner which made it all so much more appreciative.

Everyone was dancing and eating. Happiness was filled in the air and for once,
Wynter felt it as much as everyone else did. Her birthday was amazing regardless of Guy fighting and Gigi's pregnancy reveal was also amazing.

Keraun was somewhere in the crowd playing dominoes with the men and after Wynter confessed to him about how she was feeling he never mentioned the topic again and she wasn't going to either so she just brushed it off.

Wanting to be open and honest about how she felt, she was proud to know that she was learning to be more expressive with certain things so she didn't find it to be a problem with him just brushing it off.

Things took time and she was in no rush for them to do something they would later regret but if something was to happen at least she knew she was always honest about how she felt about him upfront.

The stuff that we go through as individuals were a lot on ones mental state. Feeling like you have no one to talk to when your heart just feels like it's going to cave in makes your mind spin or when you just want to scream out to someone about how you feel but they'll never get it.

You can scream out to the rooftop but not everyone was empathetic. Not everyone would understand because they weren't walking in your shoes so, did she care about the people who was saying that she was falling too quickly?

Fuck no.

She was finally learning to live life on a whim. That's what she truly wanted ever since she was a little girl and that's what her grandmother encouraged her to do on her birthday.

Her body longed the feeling of trying to be free, her mind was always so busy twisting and turning with so many hurtful scenarios that she just wanted to bury it all.

But how can she if she couldn't even be honest about it with herself and others around?


Eating away at her flesh like a leech sucking all of your blood sip by sip. A snake taunting you with its hissing sounds and a cheetah laying just waiting to attack its prey. That's fear. That's fear taking over everything that she thought was hers.

It was Thanksgiving and she didn't celebrate it but she did come just to eat and enjoy time with her family and friends. What was she thankful for?

Thankful for her daughter, thankful for her parents and grands, her friends and most importantly the new person that entered her life and shook things up like an earthquake coming to take over.


That man was honestly something else but in a good way. The way he used to look at her with pure hate made her want to change the way he viewed her. She always had the urge to talk to him even if he wasn't being friendly with her. He was bringing out sides of her that she thought she stomped to the ground but like a tree—it'll always grow back when a seed was trying to be planted.

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