Chapter Eleven - The Talk

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It's been two weeks since Riley was caught having sex and her mother still wasn't talking to her.

It was the same routine everyday; get up, go to school and come back home. All her electronics still wasn't returned back to her and she knew her phone was probably blown right up but she couldn't even have high hopes to get that back because her mother didn't turn that shit back on.

None of her friends knew what was going on and she was thankful that August wasn't running his mouth about them getting caught.

August and her started dating from when she was fifteen and on her sixteen birthday is when she decided to lose her virginity to him.

She couldn't understand why her mother was so mad when she started having sex way younger than her.

How was the kettle calling the pot black?

It was scary seeing her mother like that but some part of her had to understand that, that wasn't a sight that any parent wanted to witness.

Every inch of her was embarrassed that her mother even saw her in such a compromising position. At times it even made her sick at the thought.

Over the last two weeks she tried everything to get Wynter to talk to her—from getting in trouble at school or back talking one of her grandparents but her mother still wasn't budging.

However, Riley knew that going about things the wrong way was only making the situation worse and she wasn't intentionally trying to do that but she just wanted to hear the woman's voice.

Why was having sex affecting her like this anyways?

It wasn't her fault that her mother wasn't sexually active and she was.

No part of her felt like her mother was jealous that she was having sex but she couldn't help but to think was it that extreme to where she tried hitting her?

As a kid Riley never got hit because Wynter believed that beatings didn't work it'll only scorn and frighten the child—and she didn't want Riley to be scared of her in that way.

Now, what happened the other day was a lot in itself. The look in her mommas eyes haunted her and from then she vowed to never let that be in Wynters eyes again when it came to her.

That was a hard pill to swallow. With it just always being them they always tried filling in empty voids when it came to the next but Riley started to get curious with the opposite sex and eventually things led to the next with August.

There was no pressure from her fast ass friends to have sex; it was all her decision and she just felt like since Wynter wasn't doing it—she couldn't educate her on the basics so she went to her friends and August sister.

They always had sex in the house, Riley didn't trust to do it anywhere else and one day Wynter caught them before they had the chance to do anything and Riley got so scared to where she lied and told her mother that he was gay.

When August went home that night, he let Riley have it in more ways than one. Riley told him that Wynter knew she was sexually active and then she lied about him being gay.

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