Chapter Thirteen - Sealing the Deal

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He looked down at all of her naked glory placing sweet kisses along her body. Every time his lips touched a place that she liked, she would shiver at the contact and moan lightly.

Her moans was calming to his ears and the way her hands would tighten in his hair let him know that he was doing all the right things.

Neither of them made the move to start having sex as yet but they were both naked with him on top of her in a missionary position. Her legs was open and Keraun just took the time to look in her eyes and for the first time he saw her display an emotion—vulnerability.

Wynter was letting go to be vulnerable in this moment and he just had to make sure that this was what she wanted before they go any further. Without giving him time to ask the question, Wynter pulled him down into a kiss while rubbing her bottom half against his.

Keraun groaned in the kiss. Wyn was tempting him or maybe he was tempting her; waiting to see if she was going to get up and walk away. Scream out that this was a mistake or something. They were in this position for thirty minutes just looking at each other before Wynter grabbed him to kiss him.

It was so much chemistry with them. The way that they looked at each other gave off all of their emotions but Wynter was still building a wall around herself.

With everything in her she just wanted to let go but she had to be careful about how she decided to let go. This was all about to happen and she just couldn't wait any longer.

Craving the feel of him within her was taking a toll on her emotional state. She wanted to feel wanted, she wanted him to fuck her into something new, something blissful/mind blowing—all of her bad memories she wanted to be swiped away with Keraun erasing every inch of hurt that she might've felt.

All of her rules about men was flying out of her head.

She didn't want to give off any hatred anymore. Keraun needed to give her that sense of ownership back. For years she felt like everything was silenced and she didn't have control anymore but right now; in this moment.

Keraun was waiting on her to give the command. He was waiting on her to tell him that it was okay for him to suck her pussy lips like she wanted him too, he was waiting on her to curve his shaft so deep within her and he was waiting on her to scream his name while digging her nails through the flesh of his skin.

She was ready.

"Fuck me Guy." She whispered against his lips.

Keraun didn't need to hear her say anything else. "Don't touch my head Wynter. Okay?"

Wynter didn't hear what he said because his kisses was driving her nuts as he made his way down to be face to face with her other set of lips. Nodding her head vigorously, Keraun chuckled and placed a soft kiss on her pussy.

Her breathing became unsteady as she bucked her hips up to get him to put his lips back on her. Keraun let his index finger run up her opening and let his tongue repeat the same action after he moved his finger.

Holding her folds open, he kissed it again and let his teeth bite lightly on her clit. The action was pissing Wynter off because it felt so damn good. Moving her hands down to his head—she pulled it down to her pussy.

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