Chapter One - Mama's Baby

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"Mom!" Riley shouted, walking towards her mother in the kitchen.

Wynter looked up from drinking her bottle of water. Her daughter was her world and she was grateful to even have her. Riley gave her nothing but comfort. It was tough being a young ass mother but with both parents and grandparents being on her side she got through it.

"Can Ryan and Gloria stay over since you're going out tonight?"


"Why not? It's Saturday and I literally have nothing to do."

"Riley, go and do your homework."

Riley looked at her mother with the saddest face that she could muster up. There's no way that she would or could be labeled as spoiled. Wynter made sure of that—regardless of them having money; Riley needed to understand the meaning of no.

There's nothing like bringing a child up in the world, letting them know that everything won't be handed to them. Hard work and dedication got everyone to where they want to be in life. That was something that Wynter instilled in Riley every chance she got.

Would she ever feel like a failure to her own child?

She's had her moments where she had to question herself on many occasions. Wondering if she was being too harsh or even too selfish to not give Riley the sibling that she desperately begged for as a child.

Life; there's that hateful feeling she gets every time she thought of how she got to this point. It took a lot for her to try and understand everything, it took a lot for her to grasp the idea of being a teenage mother; a single teenage mother at that.

The curve balls that were constantly thrown made it so easy to question if living was worth it all. The insides of our most trouble souls always seems to eat at us all. It's like our minds and souls know when we're alone just to eat away at us. We become our own worse enemies when we shelter ourselves away from the world.

Was she protecting her heart by not giving any guy a chance? Was she protecting herself by not giving Riley a sibling? Was she protecting herself by not having sex? Maybe; the girls was right, it was an awful shame that Wynter was hitting thirty soon and didn't know what having sex or better yet making love with a man felt like.

Sadness—that's what she used to feel when she looked in the eyes of her beautiful daughter. The mindset that she had to fight away over the years did a lot for herself and the relationship that she now had with Riley.

We give ourselves too much power. Maybe; men weren't women's downfall but it was their minds. The way they want their minds to be fucked along with their pussies would give them a ride of their life. The orgasm and the intellectual conversation to stimulate the inside of ones senses—just sends everyone into overdrive.

An overdrive that we always crave. The attention that everyone seeks. Male or female; we all just need that nice ass validation. Someone to stroke our mislead egos or caress our misguided feelings. Why couldn't everyone help theirselves when it came to something so intimate?

Intimacy. The feeling of wanting to be so close and attached to everything or everyone that we love. Sickening, Wynter wanted to be intimate with herself. It was a nonstop battle—one minute she wanted to feel a man run his fingers through her hair while whispering sweet nothings in her ears and the next she wanted to do everything for herself.

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