Chapter Fifteen - Let Loose Part (One)

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Walking up to the pharmacy, Wynter waited in line for her time to come up. Her phone was ringing but she was ignoring it because she knew it was Keraun.

Guy👨🏾‍🏫: I know you see me calling you.

Guy👨🏾‍🏫: Why the fuck did you leave through the window?

Wynter gasped, did his daughter snitch on her? She couldn't help but to laugh and moved up in the line.

Before she got the chance to move around the guy in the front of her, he bumped into her dropping his medication on the floor. Wynter bent down and helped him pick up his stuff.

"Sorry bout that." The gentleman apologized.

Wynter politely smiled, "It's fine."

Luke, held his hand out for Wynter to shake, "Luke, what's your name?"

She accepted his handshake and blushed. He was a sexy chocolate man with his straight white teeth. "Wynter. It was nice bumping into you but I've gotta go."

Before she got the chance to walk up to place her order with the pharmacist, Luke grabbed her hand lightly. "Can I at least get your number?" He smiled.

Wynter shrugged, "If we happen to see each other again, you just might." She flirted and removed herself from his grasp.

After getting her plan b Wynter left the pharmacy and headed to a shop to find an outfit to wear for tonight. She didn't know how she wanted to dress and it was even harder with her not knowing which club they were even going to.

While at a red light her phone vibrated again and she knew she was pissing Keraun off by not answering his messages or calls but he had to feel how she was feeling as well.

Guy👨🏾‍🏫: Wya?

Weather💦: Minding my business, you should do the same.

Guy👨🏾‍🏫: Fuck up Wyn. I thought I made myself clear last night.

Wynter read his last message and just decided to leave him on read. Maybe she was being dramatic and it wasn't that serious but she did feel like Keraun could've woke her up beforehand to let her leave before his daughter practically saw her in all of her naked glory.

Kids were smart as hell and there wasn't no doubt in her mind that his daughter was going to remember her as the woman who climbed out of the window.

After running in a bunch of different boutiques to find a dress that screamed her name, she decided to head back home and finally take this pill that was far from her mind.

"Hey Ms.Richards." Ryan, Riley's friend greeted when Wynter entered the house.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Good, thanks for asking and yourself?"

Wynter nodded and smiled at Ryan, "Good thanks. Where's Riley?"

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