Chapter Twenty One - Confrontation

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Pushing her shopping cart down the aisle, she waited for Riley to return with whatever it was that she went to get. They were currently doing their monthly shopping.

Wynter was picking up stuff for her house and her parents house. It was always like this which made it easier on her parents with not having to wonder or worry about going grocery shopping.

"I was looking up and down every aisle for hot fries and I couldn't find any." Riley pouted.

"You don't need to be eating any of that anyways."

Riley faked shocked. "Don't you dare say anything foul about my chips momma."

Wynter waved her off and placed some stuff in her trolley that was for her house and Riley's trolley for her parents house.

When she went to turn the corner her trolley bumped into some else's while the woman just stared at Wynter with a smirk but Wynter was confused because she didn't know this chick.

"Well nice to see you again." Ellie smiled.

"Uh, do I know you?"

"Oh come on Weather. I would think that you do seeing as you and Ke seem to be having something."

Then it downed on Wynter who this woman was and she couldn't help but to look at the little girl sitting down in her trolley. The replica of her father.

The way Ellie said 'Ke' made Wynter shivered. She knew they were close because they had a whole child together but to hear someone say a nickname for him and have so much emotion behind it.

Bothered her.

"Aren't you too old to be playing these childish games? You know my name and I won't stand her to go back and forth with you with both of our daughters being right here. You can teach Kai this foolish but I won't be around to entertain it and I'm pretty sure Ke won't like what you're teaching her."

Ellie didn't care about what Wynter was spitting right now. "Don't worry about baby daddy. I took good care of him the other night—you should see his back."

Wynter was heated. She didn't know if Ellie was lying or not but it did make sense for why Keraun didn't want to sleep with her.

Although she was livid she didn't show Ellie that. Instead she just smiled at her and moved her trolley around to stand next to her.

"Don't teach your daughter how to be the nasty bitter baby mama that you're portraying yourself to be right now. Who do you think gave him the okay to fuck you for a last time?." Wynter chuckled and then looked Ellie in her eyes. "The next time you finding yourself trying to approach me; do us both a favor and make sure our daughters aren't around to witness this distasteful behavior you're showing them."

She started to walk away but stopped. "Oh, one more thing—when you was, you know sucking his dick; did you taste me? I mean Keraun can never seem to get enough of me and I know I'm nothing but a sweet tooth. Maybe you'll start craving me too." With that Wynter sent a wink her way and walked off with Riley behind her.

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