Chapter Seven - Blind Date

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Tonight was the night that she was going on this so called blind date with this piece of specimen that Destiney approved of.

Wynter wanted to turn the offer down in general because of her trust and she just felt like maybe it'll be worth it and it's nothing bad about trying things for the first time.

Since it was her first date, the girls were all by her house giving her the yes and no's that were going to be appropriate for tonight's event.

Earlier, she informed Riley of her plans and the girl got all ecstatic over the whole idea. Wynter didn't know if she was feeling as excited as everyone else.

"Don't kiss him after your dinner is finish because then he'll think he's going to be lucky enough to get some ass." Desi explained.

Wynter nodded in understanding while looking over herself in her body length mirror.

"Make sure he's the perfect gentleman—who pulls out your chair and holds the door open for you." Riley smiled.

Wynter gave her a look and Riley shrugged in response. "And if he doesn't?"

"Then he ain't the one sis." Mills shrugged while fluffing Wynters hair.

Sporting a black and white off the shoulder thigh length dress, Wynter tilted her head to the side—observing herself. Her lips was coated in a burgundy/maroon like color and the sleeves of her dress had little ruffles and her hair was styled in loose waves with her black closed toe heels and matching clutch to bring out her lipstick.

"You look so cute!" Gigi squealed

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"You look so cute!" Gigi squealed.

Wynter rolled her eyes and checked the time. Seven forty five. She was supposed to meet up with this unknown guy for eight thirty and she knew she had to get a move on it if she didn't want to be late and give another guy a reason to 'judge' her.

"Riley, you know the drill. Girls I will see y'all at Desi's house when this is done." Wynter tried explaining while the girls were pushing her out of her house.

"Go, hurry up!" Desi pushed.

Settling in her Jeep, Wynter slammed the door and stuck her middle finger up at her girls who were staring at her with their smiles reaching their ears.

Thankfully, Wynter made it to the restaurant before time and when she got inside her date wasn't at their table as yet. Shrugging it off, she scanned through the menu to see what she had a taste for.

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