Chapter Thirty Four - Familiarity & Confusion

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Riley sat on the lounge chair that they had inside of her mothers hospital room and watched as she breathed through her breathing machine.

It's been two days since she was asleep. The doctors found that it was better for her mother to be sleeping so her body could heal however it wanted to without the stress of her mind working in overdrive.

For the last two days everyone was visiting Wynter faithfully but Keraun never left her side—not even to eat. Riley thought it was cute and she was really starting to like him for her mother.

There was something about the way Keraun made her mother happy and Riley wanted him to always be around to continue to the do as such because if her mother was happy then that meant she would be happy as well.

Walking over to her mothers bedside, Riley grabbed the lotion and massaged her hands to give it some sort of movement and comfort so her hands won't be cramped up and sleeping.

Hearing the door opening up Riley didn't bother to look back because she knew it was Dr.Wilson doing her routinely drop ins on Wynter.

Dr.Wilson squeezed Riley's shoulder lightly and checked Wynters vitals. "She should be waking up any minute now. How are you feeling?"

Riley shrugged, how was she supposed to feel knowing that when her mother wakes up she might not even remember that she was her mother?

"Ready for anything I guess." She softly replied.

"Well here's your time to have a little bit of hope. She's waking up, you can just take the ice and rub it on her lips. I just gave her a little dose of morphine so she shouldn't complain about any pain. I'll be back later."

Riley nodded and watched Dr.Wilson leave. Looking back at her mother, she stared at her and waited for Wynters eyes to adjust to the lights. Leaning over, Riley dimmed the lights a little.

"Hey. Are you okay? I know you can't talk but do you know who I am? I'm Riley." The anticipation was filled in the atmosphere of the room.

Wynter blinked once and stared at Riley's facial features. Riley eyes watered up and before she got the chance to turn around to go and cry in the bathroom—Wynter blinked again. "Wait what? You know me?"

Wynter squeezed Riley's hand and tried to open her mouth just to feel that it was wired shut. So many questions was swarming around in her head. She remembered waking up in the hospital the other day but everything before and after was still blank.

Yet, this girl in the front of her felt so familiar. She felt like a part of her and her features gave Wynter a new sense of breath but yet she was still confused.

Her head got a splitting image as a memory of Riley came into play and the machine that was monitoring her brain activity started going off.

Riley looked around in panic and paged Dr.Wilson. Dr.Wilson ran back inside of Wynters hospital room and looked around. "What's wrong Riley?"

"Her machine is going off."

Dr.Wilson walked over to the machine and picked up the paper skimming over what it printed. "Riley, she's okay. The machine went off because she got a memory of you and her which caused that part of her brain to start working itself again. It was just like what Dr.Cail explained about patients remembering the most promising time of their lives."

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