Chapter Thirty Three - Wynter's Biggest Fight

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Wynters mind was swirling around as she saw people moving around her in this cramped up space and that's when she realized that she was in the ambulance. A guy sat holding her hands while crying but she didn't know who he was.

She was trying to fight the paramedics off of her but they weren't moving and she didn't know what the fuck was going on. "Wyn, you have to relax baby." The guy tried soothing her.

Her breathing started to get frantic as they all tried getting her to calm down but Wynter wasn't listening, her mind couldn't grasp the concept of what was going on and who these people around her was.

The ambulance came to an abrupt stop as the paramedics rushed her out in the ambulance on a gurney. "She seems disoriented. Thirty year old female, with two gun shot wounds to the abdomen, she's suffered a series amount of blows to her head along with her stomach area. She was the victim in the house and her name is Wynter Richards." The parademic explained to the doctor as they were running to place Wynter in a room.

"Her bp is dropping, we're losing her! Somebody get me a damn crash cart!" The doctor started doing compressions on her chest to keep her heart beating but they were still losing her.

The nurses handed over the crash cart over to the doctor as they ripped Wynters shirt open before shocking her just for her body to raise from the shock and drop back down with no heartbeat. "Clear!" The doctor shouted before shocking her again.

They all waited anxiously to see if she would get a rhythm from her heartbeat and they all sighed in relief once the machine started beeping again. "We're not in the clear as yet. We need to get these bullets out of her and we need a CT scan stat!" The doctor watched the nurses move around the room before they unlocked Wynters gurney to move her into the CT scanning room to ensure that her head was fine before they went to remove her bullets.

The doctor waved her flashlights in Wynters eyes. "Hi, good to see you're back. Can you squeeze my hand for me?" Once Wynter squeezed her hand, she smiled. "Good job. Can you tell me your name?"

One of the nurses looked over at the doctor. "I don't think she can talk. The chart said that her jaw was broken; whoever her attacker was did a number on her."

"Shit." The doctor hissed. "I need you to blink twice to what I'm saying if it's yes and once if it's no, okay?"

Wynter blinked twice and groaned. She wanted to open her mouth but she didn't have any control over it and her head was giving her a splitting ass headache.

"I'm Dr.Wilson and I will need you to work with me okay? You need to fight with me for as long as I'm fighting for you, are we clear?" Dr.Wilson smiled and moved her hands around on Wynters face to feel her dislocated jawline. Looking over to nurse Karla. "Can you page an orthodontics?"

Karla nodded and took off running to find a free ortho doctor instead of paging. She's worked under Dr.Wilson for the last three years and she knew how she got when it came to saving patients and she didn't want to waste anytime on Wynters case.

"Is your name Wynter Richards?" Dr.Wilson questioned.

Wynter blinked three times and when Dr.Wilson gave her a confused look, she blinked three times again as her trying to say 'I don't know.' "Is three times a sign for you don't know?"

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