Chapter Twenty Seven - Friendship

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The girls waited outside of Kerauns house door for Wynter. They all decided to finally come talk to her after two days of her being out of hiding.

Each of them wanted to see where her head was at so they could lend a helping hand and help her through this hard time in her life but as usual it would all lead up to what Wynter wanted to do.

Wynter was as stubborn as they came and nonchalant about everything. That's what made her and Keraun so perfect for each other, they both knew how to get the next talking or to get them to show some sort of emotion that they try so hard to hide like it's a bad disease.

Wynter opened the front door and smiled lightly at her friends as they engulfed her in a side hug and squeezed in the house. She couldn't help but to look down at Giselle's bump that grew over the last two months.

Half of her was happy to see them but the other half was still learning how to grieve her grands and just wanted her space. She knew how her friends could be and she didn't want anyone down her throat about something she had to handle on her own.

They all walked in the kitchen where Wynter prepared some snacks and drinks for them to snack on while they talk.

"I would ask how you're doing but by the look in your eyes, it don't look so good." Giselle said while rubbing her tummy.

Wynter shrugged, "Found out what you're having yet?"

"She's having a girl but don't do that Wynter." Mills butted in.

"Do what? Ask what my best friend is having so I can buy her some stuff?" Wynter chuckled.

Desi shook her head. This was a mess to her and she just wanted Wynter to see that they were only trying to support her but the bigger half of her knew you couldn't rush someone to grieve, you couldn't rush someone to get over something they weren't ready to get over.

It all takes time but she did wanted Wynter to know that she was allowed to take her time and that she would be here for her.

"You're deflecting everything. We haven't heard or seen you in two months! Yet we're supposed to be your best friends!?" Mills angrily expressed.

"You guys are so what the fuck are you so upset about?"

Giselle sighed, "Guys w-."

"You lied to us! You told us Rylies dad wanted nothing to do with her when you admitted to him that you were even pregnant that day you said you would be honest about anything we ask you!" Mills was pissed and it was all over her face.

Wynter ran her hands through her hair. "I didn't know this was something that I could've fucking pulled out of my ass and serve that shit on a silver platter like it's good fucking news. What the fuck do you want from me Milan!?"

"For you to be honest! You shouldn't lie to someone that you love Wynter. What if he didn't decide to come to that dinner would anyone know about him? You haven't even thought about how your secrets could've affected everyone around you! What if the nigga came after you again? What if he went pretending that he was actually Riley's uncle instead of her dad to get her to go with him somewhere."

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