Chapter Forty - Compassion & Promises

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"Wynter, it's me Ellie. I know that I'm the last person that you would've want to hear from but believe it or not, I just gave birth to me and Kerauns little girl. Her name is Elora and she's so beautiful. I'm sorry for the things that I said to you and most importantly, I want to apologize for the loss that you and Keraun went through. I may be the bitter bitch of a baby mama but I'm not looking for your sympathy when I say that I'm not doing so good mentally. I've talked to Keraun and he just left out of the room to go see Elora and when he gets back, I won't be around."

"I've asked him to give me time to get my mind right for the sake of our children but I'm scared that I never will and I can't tell him that Wynter, it'll break him and I just can't. I want to be and do better for Kaina and Elora but I can't with my mind being this way. To tell you the truth, I hope it'll get back to where it should be before the girls get old enough to understand my absence. Promise me that you'll make him happy again? Promise me that you'll raise both of my girls to be glorious women, promise me that you'll teach them about me and promise me that you'll teach them the worth of being a black woman."

"I know I can count on you because your daughter is an amazing little girl and the way you carry yourself only shows that she learnt everything from you. Thank you for everything and I wish everyone the very best. Maybe I'll see everyone soon, until then tell my girls that I love them dearly."

Wynter stood in the hospital room while listening to the voicemail that Ellie left her,  she kept playing it over and over again. She couldn't believe what she was hearing and as she waited for Keraun to return from seeing Elora, her heart raced with nothing but fear.

Fear that he was going to kick her out, fear that he wasn't going to allow her back into his life or his kids life, fear that the love that he once had for her was completely gone and fear that he won't believe a word that she had to tell him.

Her life had been hell with her constant drinking, sleeping with Liam and pushing everyone away. She had yet to see her god-daughter and the news she got two weeks ago helped her switch things up for herself. The life she was now living wasn't the lifestyle that she envisioned for herself.

That lifestyle wasn't her and no amount of heartbreak or pain was going to allow that to become her reality. Right now, she had three little girls that had to look up to her and no matter how hard Keraun tried to fight her on this, she was going to make up to Ellie's promises.

Ellie believed her and it was time that she started to believe in herself fully. With her heels clacking against the hardwood floor, she listened to Ellie's voicemail again and that's when she saw a pair of shoes standing by the doorway.

Wynter ended the voicemail and looked over at Keraun who was standing with one hand on his hip and the other by his mouth as he cried. Moving towards him she hesitated a bit but she still wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm sorry that this is happening to you."

She kissed him all over his face and led him to sit down on the chair where she sat in his lap. Caressing his head and wiping away his tears she knew he was probably heartbroken.

"What you doing here?"

Wynter cleared her throat and got off of his lap. "Ellie left me a voicemail and I knew I had to stop by to see you."

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