Chapter Thirty Eight - Babyshower Drama

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Walking in the baby shower, Wynter looked around at the decorated walls and tables. Everyone was told to wear blush pink satin clothes. The theme of the shower was butterflies.

The room was beautiful and Wynter was holding her breath as she looked around. Little pink butterflies hung from the ceilings and moved around like they were actually flying. The little presents table was filled with baby gifts, desserts decorating the dessert table with butterfly themed cookies with the baby's initials.

Gold was an accent on the decorations where they had pink and gold balloons forming an arch as soon as you entered the building. There were two throne chairs with one being pink and the other being gold.

It's a girl was spelled out in gold on the pink walls above a moral of Ash and Giselle's maternity picture. The maternity moral had Giselle naked with her arms sprawled out like she was free from the worlds problems as Ash held her up in the air like he was carrying all of her problems.

That picture alone had Wynters eyes watering. It was literally speaking volumes with the way he planned on supporting and loving his family. He wanted all of their burdens to be placed on him because he was going to do everything to make sure that their world continued to stand on two feet and never fall.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

Wynter knew that voice. That voice used to mess with her every time she visited Giselle and he'll be around. She smiled and turned around to face the person that interrupted her peace of mind when it came to loving the moral.

"Well if it isn't Mr.Douche himself."

The guy laughed and threw her in a hug that she accepted. He smelt so good and he looked even better. His smooth brown skin, strong jawline, pouty pink lips, hazel eyes, little goatee and waves that occupied his hair cut, had him looking grown and sexy.

"Is that anyway to greet your future husband Wynter?" He winked.

Wynter blushed, "You were always so cute Liam."

Liam smiled his perfectly straight natural white teeth and Wynter just looked at them in amazement. "You look beautiful as always."

"Thank you. You look grown as hell. How old are you now?"

"It's always like you to play me like I'm some little boy Wynter. I'm twenty six." He chuckled.

Wynter pointed her index finger at him. "That's why, your age is young compared to mine."

"My dick ain't." He winked.

Wynter laughed, "There he is. I was waiting for that side to come out. I should've known better than to think that you were going to miss your sisters baby shower."

Liam outstretched his arms. "She deserves the best and you know I bring nothing but that."

"Ehh. I wouldn't say that. You just have a bubbly personality when you're ready."

"You just hate to compliment a nigga."

Liam moved closer to Wynter and placed his hand on her lower back. "What are you doing?" She breathlessly whispered.

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