Chapter Seventeen - Truths Part (One)

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Its been two months since the whole club thing and it was now the beginning of November which meant that Thanksgiving was coming up along with Wynters thirtieth birthday.

Giselle was home trying to figure out ways on how to tell Ashton about the whole abortion thing and she knew it wasn't about to go how she wanted it to.

What grown man would be okay with his wife aborting his baby without his permission?

She was lost in more ways than one. The feeling that she had in the pit of her stomach she just couldn't describe. This feeling was scary like shit was about to blow up and she didn't know what to do.

She kept trying to tell herself to be positive but how can she?

This won't be pretty, he'll probably try to leave her and find someone that won't abort his baby. This was crazy—there's no way she could tell him. It would only break him to the point of no return.

Could she be the one to look him in the face just to break his heart?

Why did she have to be so selfish back then?

Why couldn't she just be open up about it when she first had the chance?

Racing over to the kitchen sink, Giselle let the bile that was in her throat out in the sink. That was a sign to show that her nerves were bad as fuck.

How the hell was this going to be easy?

Why did we always find it so hard to tell someone we love our darkest secret? Was it because we wouldn't be able to handle how it is to see their world literally crash before them? Was it because our fears clouded our judgment when it came to knowing what was best for that person?

She tried in so many ways to put herself in his shoes to see how it would all play out but she couldn't. The guilt won't allow her to be empathetic.

The guilt ate at her everyday to where some days she just found it so hard to look at Ashton.

Every time she looked at him—she saw a baby. A baby with his eyes, smile or nose. Invading her dreams and reality.

The what if's. Damn she hated fucking what ifs.

"Just say it, it'll be like riding a bike."

Giselle laughed, "Riding a fucking bike?"

She was losing it, she was in the kitchen talking to her damn self.

With the new year approaching quicker then they all expected, she didn't want to go into it with this burden on her back to weigh her down with another year of secret misery.

"Baby, have you seen my blue tie?" Ash was now walking in the kitchen.

He paused once he saw the distress look on his wife's face. He walked over to her and placed her face between his hands. "What's wrong."

Giselle sniffled, how can she hurt him?

His eyes was filled with love and adoration for her and she was terrified of that look turning into nothing but hatred and spiteful-ness.

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