Chapter Twenty Eight - ReinaD

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They had been driving for the last five hours and had another five before they finally made it to their house. Everyone was sleeping in the fifteen seater van and they had just switched the paint color and license plate of this current van.

Music was playing lowly as Desi hummed and knocked her fingers on the steering wheel as she drove in the middle of the night.

For safety purposes they had a security detail in the front of them that just blended in like a normal Jeep that was just traveling and they had two in the back doing the same thing.

They all didn't want to take any risks with Luie potential finding them just to come for Riley. Every so often Desi would switch lanes to get ahead of other cars while the security details stayed right on her tail.

The night sky way beautiful with its full moon shining down on the slightly wet road giving off a little glow, the stars looked as if they were playing tag with how they were lining up against each other as they moved slightly apart.

It was always something about the feel of night time that made Desi feel so warm. Maybe it was the darkness that she'd always became accustomed to when she was younger when her mother was out chasing her man of the night.

Days and nights became a repeatedly thing in her household and as much as she tried to get someone to take her from her mother because of the lack of attention that her mother gave her; they always saw her mother as the perfect parent.

Which made it hard for anyone to come in and rescue her, to show her the love that she always wanted and to guide her in the path that a mother always should be able to do.

As time went by Desi just gave herself everything that she wanted her mother to do for her.

At the age of fifteen, her mother was no where to be found to teach Desi how to change a pad. She was in the bathroom that day with serious cramps and she didn't understand what the hell was going on—so she looked it up online on how to take care of herself while on her period.

All she wanted was her mother to be there and guide her through that process of adolescence but once again her mother was out playing hooky for the day/night.

One day when she was coming home, her next door neighbor Ms.Loretta was sitting outside on her porch just watching the children get home to their respected houses safely and when Desi happened to walk pass Ms.Loretta house to get to hers; Ms.Loretta called out to her.

That's where Desi learnt that she had caught the school bus and walked all the way home with blood on her khaki school pants.

She was so embarrassed that she cried the whole time Ms.Loretta washed her clothes but she soon stopped once Ms.Loretta explained to her that this was life and no matter what that was something that she had to accept.

Ms.Loretta told her that day that when life makes a mess out of things unexpectedly, just always remain patient and get right back up to fixing what went wrong in the first place because we're are nothing but our own source of strength.

From that day Desi always made it a goal to always stay by Ms.Loretta for dinner and ask her some advice on her mother and what she could possibly do to help her see that she needed her mother around.

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