Chapter Thirty Seven - Disappointment & Anger

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Rolling over in her bed, she bumped into a hard body and when she opened her eyes to see that Keraun was already wake and staring at her, she blinked twice to see if she was tripping.

Moving her head back some and twisted up her lips. "I've had enough of you staring at me like something is on my face."

"Well your beauty is on your face so."

Wynter pecked his lips and just went closer into his hold to wrap her arm around his stomach. "Your body is so warm and loving."

"You are weird when you're ready Wyn."

"And you're lucky that I'm in love with you because your morning breath just ain't it Guy. If this was Riley or someone else I wouldn't have even let her smile at me with her dragon breath before I give her the stink look to go fix that shit."

Wynter laughed when Keraun pushed her away from him. Under the covers they were both still naked from their many rounds of pure pleasure last night.

She had a doctors appointment that they will be attending today and then she'll be off to spend time with her best friends because she missed them like crazy.

Sprawling out on the bed she made sure that her hand slap against Kerauns face. He lifted the cover and slapped her ass cheek hard before palming it roughly with his nails digging in her skin.

"Stop fucking playing before I beat ya ass man. It's too early for this shit."

"We have to get up anyways and it's only six in the morning."

"Six meaning I'm taking my ass back to bed." He grumbled before turning over in the bed to let his back face her.

Instead of bothering him or annoying him any further, Wynter just went closer to him and placed her arm back around him to go back to sleep.

Leaning over after his little nap session, Keraun placed light kisses on Wynters face. "Time to get up baby."

Wynter groaned and rolled off of her bed lightly. "But I'm so tired."

"Too bad, so sad."

Keraun walked over to where she rolled off of the bed and lifted her up into the bathroom to help her get herself together. After they both got dressed they left Wynters house.

"Can we stop and get something to eat really quick? My stomach is touching my back." Wynter complained.

"We can't. You're going to be late if we do."

Rolling her eyes, she sighed and threw her head back against the headrest and waited for them to reach their destination.

When they got there he held the doors open for her as she made her way to the receptionist desk to check herself in for her appointment.

Waiting in the reception area, Wynter begged Keraun to get her a chips from out of the vending machine.

Mills💜:Still coming over later?

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