Chapter Three - Baby, Please?

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This was now becoming an everyday thing. Ashton would plead and beg—just to get the same answer. There was no way that things were about to change for the greater good. It was starting to feel like their witsend but the love was too strong and mighty.

Love. That single thing was supposed to be filled with rainbows and butterflies; well that's what we wanted it to be but that wasn't reality. That wasn't life, everything you wanted—you had to fight for it, even if you had it in the palm of your hands because things change.

People change. For better or for worse. Did that really mean anything? Would everyone really stick it out through those words? How long will they believe that? The things we do.

If he believed in putting his hands on a woman Giselle would sure as hell be at the end of this hatred or dislike that he was feeling in this exact moment.

Before making the rash decision of deciding to marrying someone, you had to sit and think about all of your options and see if what you wanted in the future was the replica of what your partner wanted.

So when it was years back and he asked Giselle what she wanted why did she agree to what he was saying?

Why accept his proposal just to deny his future wants, when she wanted the same?

He couldn't get it. His mind was twisted with a whole lot of possibilities. He was trying to understand but how could he if she wasn't even explaining to him on why she had a change of heart.

Everything was starting to get funny. Was she worried about ruining her body? Did she feel as if a baby would slow her down? Didn't think she was going to be a wonderful mother?

Back to back. It was like a race car driving around the tracks in circles just to ensure that it was up to date with everything.

Never making her feel less of herself, always showering her in gifts and love, just to be shut down. Did he have to go on his knees and beg her?

He laughed the thought off as he stared at her while she was making breakfast.

"I can feel you watching me Ashton." Giselle sighed.

"What is it that I have to do?"

This. This conversation is what she dreaded everyday when it came to waking up next to him. Oh, did she love her husband but this nagging shit was irritating the fuck out of her.

"Nothing." She shrugged.

Ash slammed his hand on the countertop as Giselle jumped. "Bullshit. We're hitting that age Gigi. We don't have forever with this mess."

Turning the stove eye off. Giselle turned around to finally face him. She never saw him this angry and in his eyes, she could've seen that he was really getting fed up with her and her games.

"How can you force me to have a baby?"

"That's the thing. I'm not forcing you but you aren't giving me a clear answer on why we're waiting either."

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