Chapter Twenty Nine - Possibilities

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Wynter was laying down on Kerauns sofa looking at her white painted toenails. She wasn't feeling good earlier and she was bored out of her mind.

It was a Saturday morning so she didn't have to go in to work today and she didn't know where Keraun was, all she knew was that he was somewhere running around inside of this house.

Her mind was blank and she already missed everyone. Riley them called her earlier to say that they made it safely but everyone was tired from being cramped up in the vans for almost ten hours so they went right back to sleep.

Keraun walked in the living room and smacked Wynters thigh. "Feeling better?"

"Do I look like it?" She sassed.

Keraun shrugged, "Go take these."

Wynter looked down at the bag that he threw in her lap and when she opened it she just stared at him in pure confusion. He was tripping.

"There's no way."

"There's a possibility and I'm done talking about it so go take it."

Wynter eyebrow raised up quick as fuck while she looked around the room. "I'm sorry. I'm trying to find out who the fuck you're trying to give demands to."

"Wynter. I'm not about to be going back and forth with you on this."

"I'm throwing up and running a fever. I'm not pregnant. I take my pills everyday and if you would stop spilling all in me you wouldn't think that I'm pregnant."

"I'm still confused on why you're sitting here trying to explain yourself instead of pissing on those tests."

"I'm a woman—we don't piss. Asshole." She got up from the sofa and shoved the empty bag in his face to smother him.

Before she got a chance to walk away from him fully, Keraun reached forward and smacked her on her ass making her hiss in pain.

Ten minutes later, Wynter took her time walking back in the living while Keraun just looked at her with an annoyed look because of how slow she was walking making his nerves bad as fuck.

"Hurry the fuck up Wynter." He snapped

"Nigga. What's your fucking problem son?" She deadpanned him.

He didn't say anything as she made her way over to him and straddled his lap. Keraun rubbed his hands up and down on her thighs.

"What did it say?"

"What did you want it to say?"

"Don't answer a question with a question."

"Negative." She admitted.

Wynter watched the disappointment set in on his face. Was that a sign to say that Keraun was possibly trying to get her pregnant for real?

He wanted her to carry his next baby?

"What's with the look?"

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