Chapter Six - Caribbean Whine Gal

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Today, Wynter and the girls rented out a little studio to just dance their asses off and let go of any unwanted stress that they may be feeling.

This was a usual thing for them. Once a week they'll find time out of their busy schedules just to be free for once. Whether it was dancing, clubbing, chilling in a hotel or their favorite dancing.

Dancing was a form of expression and Wynter personally got a high off of it. It was always a passion of hers that she learned while being cooped up in her house when she was younger.

The activity itself helped her learn how to pass time when she wasn't dealing with Riley.

Wynter sat outside of Milan's house and beeped her horn. She was feeling too lazy to pick up her phone and call or let alone get out and get her.

Milan took her time walking down her driveway whilst squinting at Wynter. Once she got to Wynters Jeep, she snatched the door open.

"Why you beeping your horn like your my first boyfriend that's scared to meet my daddy?"

Wynter couldn't help but to chuckle. "I'm lazy right now. I'll do the same to Giselle."

The drive to Giselle's house was short and like she promised; Wynter beeped her horn for Giselle.

"What am I a hoe?" Giselle snapped while climbing inside.

"Close to it." Milan shot back.

Giselle smacked Milan and they all laughed at how ridiculous they were being.

"Kiki, do you love me? Are you riding?" Milan sung. "Pull over really quick so I can do the dance."

Wynter looked at her like she was crazy. "And whose going to do the explaining to Ace when a car comes out of no where and hit you?"

"I'm saying." Giselle agreed.

Pulling into the parking lot of the studio. The girls unbuckled their seatbelts and went into the building. After checking in with the receptionist they went to find their studio which was studio four.

Their favorite room in this building. Throwing their things to side once they got inside, they all started stretching to avoid catching any cramps.

A knock sounded at their door and everyone smiled.

Destiney Simmons stepped in the room with a wide smile on her face. She was the definition of ghetto, loud and fabulous. Of course she wore that shit proudly and she wasn't scared to let it be known that she was that bitch.

"My favorite bitches!" She exclaimed whilst throwing them all in a group hug.

The girls loved her just like she loved them. She was an expert dancer that specialized in all techniques when it came to dancing. Her favorite one to teach was pole dancing.

That's what she taught them on a regular and they always had a great time with her. Destiney was beautiful, honest and trustworthy. She was the light in the girls life when it came to stress which is why they always picked dancing when they just needed a break from reality.

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