Chapter Thirty Nine - Keraun's Pain

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Keraun held his arms under Kaina's stomach as he helped her swim in the pool. He wanted a day to just relax with his daughter especially with how things went with Wynters doctors appointment and Giselle's baby shower.

He was trying his best to distance himself from being around his friends houses too much at the fear of Wynter popping up. He had better things to focus on and he didn't want to burden hisself with so many problems and not be able to handle them all later on.

It's been three months since everything happened and although him and Wynter cut off all ties with each other, he still kept in contact with Riley especially when she needed something.

Her friends along with Vanessa tried telling him how depressed Wynter had become and how she busied herself in her work but Keraun just didn't care anymore.

When he wanted to help her and do things the way that he thought would be better for her, she turned around and spat in his face or in this case—punched the fuck out of him.

That hitting thing was a big no for him and he wasn't ready to let that go either because if he did turn around and hit her. It would've became something bigger than what it really was.

It was hard enough for men to come forward about certain shit but he wasn't about to become victim to being a woman's punching bag. Either he was going to speak out about it or just distance himself from the situation in entirely and that's what he did.

He spent most of his free time with Kaina and just loving her so she could continue to get the feel of being the only child for right now. Ellie was now six months pregnant and Keraun had yet to feel excitement for this new baby.

They hadn't picked out a name yet and he couldn't tell if Ellie knew how unhappy and uncomfortable he was about the whole thing. To Kaina, Ellie kept telling her that they were a family again when that wasn't even the case.

Keraun only talked to Ellie when he felt like he needed too and other then that she wasn't seeing or hearing anything from him.

Noelia made her entrance into the world last month and she was a true beaut looking every bit of her mother. He would drop by every week to bless his god-daughter with gifts and his presence but every time that he did. He ensured that Wynter was no where around.

That risk wasn't something that he needed or wanted right now. It was drama free for him and even though he was still hurting, he couldn't manage to see her face and the pain that was probably on the outside of it with her trying to mask it with fake happiness.

Kaina had been living with him permanently over the last three months because Ellie was slacking in the motherhood department when it came to her as of lately. The day after the baby shower was when he got the call from Ellie asking him to take Kaina.

With Kaina being his daughter, he didn't hesitate to take her in but a little girl needed her mother and he didn't know what the fuck was going on with Ellie. Maybe being lost in his own world had him making up excuses for her but soon those excuses would have to turn into reality with her having to come forward with her actual problems.

Vanessa was a big help when it came to combing Kaina's hair and Keraun was learning how to do it himself. The challenge was hard at first but he was getting the hang of it and it was becoming much easier then it was the first few times.

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