Chapter Nineteen - Fam(ily)

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Keraun, Ellie and Kaina were all on their way to the aquarium. He figured today would've been a great way to hang out and give Kaina the sense of having her mother and father around and be a family.

Although she was young and possibly wouldn't understand that they were never going to be together, he still wanted to create memorable family moments for her.

When they pulled up in the parking lot of the aquarium he looked back to see that Kai was sleeping and he did nothing but chuckle and shook his head.

All that excitement she had done put her ass to sleep. "Want me to get her or you got it?" He asked Ellie.

She looked back at Kaina and smiled. "I got her."

He waited for her to grab babygirl from the backseat before he locked the doors and they headed inside to where he paid for their tickets.

While he was talking to the worker, Ellie was busy waking up Kaina. When she finally got her awake, Kaina jumped out of her mothers arms and went to the glass to look at the turtles that they were passing.

"Don't put your face on the glass Kai." Ellie sighed.

"Chill. She's enjoying herself."

"I can't chill, do you know how much germs is on that glass alone?"

Keraun just laughed at her, she was dramatic as hell but he could've understood her point. The glass was probably dirty and filled with cleaning products.

"Don't touch the glass at all Kaina."

Kaina looked back at her daddy and smiled while nodding her head up and down.

Ellie scoffed, "Oh, now she listens."

"Don't hate the playa, hate the game lil mama." He teased.

Ellie shoved him and sat on the bench to keep an eye on Kaina who was running from different glass displays to see the sea life creatures.

This moment felt good to her. They felt like a real family and she just didn't want this feeling to end but she knew it was going to happen regardless of how she felt.

She, however, was grateful that Keraun was even doing this and she understood how important family time was to him so she didn't mind coming out and showing out at the same time.

"What's that look on your face?"

"What look?"

"Like your dog died or something. You need some dick?"

Ellie rolled her eyes, "Are you tryna give me some?"

Keraun sat next to her on the bench, "When's the last time you had sex?" He inquired.

It wasn't his business but he still wanted to know and he felt like it was only right for him to know seeing as they had a whole child together and if she was doing stuff he needed to know if these guys was happening around Kaina when she was doing whatever if she was sleeping with someone.

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