Chapter Thirty Six - Cherishing His Woman

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Keraun walked inside of Wynters room to see that she just had a towel wrapped around her already dried body as she applied her makeup while standing up. His eyes roamed her chocolate toned legs and went straight up to her beautiful face.

Wynter was too busy focusing on her makeup to notice that Keraun was behind her. She jumped slightly when he pressed his front against her ass and that's when she took the time to look at his reflection in her vanity mirror.

"Damn it Guy, did you have to push up on me like that?" Her cheeks flushed red.

He was tempted to rub her ass under her towel but they had yet to have sex since Wynters been feeling better and that was a next thing about her that he wasn't trying to rush but he did miss the feel of her tight warmth being wrapped around his fitted shaft.

The thought alone was getting him rock hard and when he looked down at Wynter through the mirror he saw her eyes filled with amusement at feeling him on her ass. "You don't need all that shit on your face."

Wynter sighed once he stepped back from her. "Shut up. I put on makeup because I want too and what Wynter wants she gets with no questions asked." She sassed and bent down in front of him to purposely push up on his dick.

Keraun chuckled and palmed her ass roughly through her towel whilst Wynter shrieked and stood up straight. "Stop all that playing and get dress." He smacked her butt and moved to sit on her bed to finish watching her get dressed.

"Where are we even going?"

"To a place."

Wynter smacked her lips. "What place?"

"Some place."

She didn't bother to answer him as she threw her lipstick at his head and watched him duck from it while laughing. He wanted to be a smart ass and she just wanted to know how to dress and where they were going.

"You mad or nah?" Keraun teased.

"No. Just wanted to know how to dress accordingly for the venue."

"You can dress however you want and you'll still be the only girl that I see in a room full of hundreds—-make that thousands." He smiled.

Wynter laughed lightly at his cute corny line. He knew just how to switch her moods and that was a good but bad thing. It meant that he had control over her in someway with the things that he say or do and she didn't want to be naive to whatever he let come out of his mouth with comfort towards her.

She didn't want to be comforted with his warmth of lies or his web of mistreatments but Keraun was the type to let you know straight up how he was feeling about something. It wasn't in his nature to sugarcoat shit and that's something she loved, him voicing how he felt was such a turn on and she was ready to have sex again but those jitters just won't allow her to.

The thought frighten her because she didn't want to feel like she wasn't as good as she was before and that ached at her like a bad toothache because she didn't want to disappoint him in anything that she do.

"You're so corny." She cheesed.

Walking over to her dress shirt and jeans pants, Wynter grabbed it and started making her way to the bathroom before Keraun grabbed her hand lightly. "Where you going?"

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