Chapter Twenty Three - Wynter's Day

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Riley ran in her mothers room and jumped on her bed while Wynter just groaned and grabbed her legs making her fall on the bed.

Riley snuggled up to her mother and laughed loudly just so Wynter wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. "Happy birthday my beautiful mommy!"

Wynter smiled and pulled Riley into her. "Thank you. Get out now."

"No get up. We have a lot to do today and you're going to have fun. Chop, chop mother I'm driving!"

"Riley, I just want to stay in today."

"You know momma to be a Scorpio you're boring as hell."

Wynter raised her hand and quickly popped Riley in her mouth lightly. "Don't be cussing at me."

"Hell isn't even a cuss word."

"It is when you use it in the wrong context like you just did. I was born before you—I know the tricks."

After an hour of Riley begging Wynter to get up, she finally did and they both got dressed to leave the house for the day.

Riley had plans to take her mother for breakfast, then to the spa, hair salon and later back home to let her rest for her surprise party tonight.

"You look like a whole snack out here momma." Riley said while smacking her mothers butt and she raced inside the house before Wynter could draw back and hit her.

They had a long morning and Wynter was glad to finally be back home. Riley convinced her to change her hairstyle up seeing as she always just had it out or whatever so she settled on a short wig.

She could admit that she was apprehensive about doing a style so blunt but with Riley begging her she just said fuck it to make her happy and she wasn't disappointed in the end.

However, she was disappointed because Riley confiscated her phone and told her that her phone was not a priority today. She wanted to ask Riley who the parent was but she decided to let her live but Riley was up to something. She could see it all over her face.

The child couldn't hold a secret that didn't affect her. "Riley."


"Is it safe for me to go back to bed?"

"Why are you sleeping so much?"

"Riley, I was out last night."

"So? I'm out a lot of times and I don't sleep a lot."

"Come here."

Riley scanned her mother. "Uh why?"

Wynter gave her a look and Riley walked over to her. She pulled Riley down on the sofa and made her lay down with her. "You're getting so big."

"Are you going to like start crying? Because I wouldn't know what to do with you besides hug you and I believe that hugging just makes you cry harder."

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