Chapter Twenty - Kid Again

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Sitting outside of Wynters house, Keraun blew his horn and waited for her to come out. This was his first time coming here and he wondered how the inside looked.

Wynter walked out her house mugging the fuck out of Keraun. Not only did he not message her back last night but he left her ass on read. She would've been fine with a simple delivered but read? That was low—even for him.

When she got in the passenger seat of his car she couldn't help but to take her hand and mush the fuck out of his head while he looked at her like she was crazy.

"Don't be leaving me on read and blowing in my yard like I'm some hoe to meet you at the curb."

Keraun chuckled and leaned over to lick her lips before kissing her and like a puppet she kissed him back. The little attitude she had before was gone like the wind.

"You look beautiful." He complimented while biting on his bottom lip and scanning the two piece dress she had on. "I see you changed your hairstyle too. Spicyyyy."

"Mhmm." She smirked knowing he was paying attention to the little things she did; made her heart swell.

"Where are we going?" She questioned while putting on her seatbelt as he backed out of her driveway.

He glanced at her before looking back at the road before him. "Make you a kid again."

"Meaning? Because I'm too grown to be sucking pacifiers and shit."

"You could suc-."

Wynter punched his arm hard as hell. "Don't finish that fucking sentence dick head."

"Whatever you didn't do as a kid, we're going to do today and we have the whole day to do it."

"What if I just wanted to fuck all day?" She slyly asked.

"Go to sleep."

She laughed, "I'm kidding although that would be fun as hell right about now but I've never went to a candy shop to just buy or taste a bunch of candy." She sighed.

Thinking back on her childhood just made her angry and sad about everything. She was innocent in more ways than one and the thought of someone purposely taking advantage of her because she didn't know any better made her sick at the thought.

She was supposed to be experienced in a lot of shit but yet she wasn't. That's kind of the reason why she let Riley do whatever she wanted because she wanted Riley to have memories and stories to look back on when sharing it with her future kids.

That wasn't the case with Wynter and Riley though. She didn't have shit to tell her about her childhood except for how she always stayed in the house and just went to school while raising her.

"It's not a bad thing Wynter. I dig the innocence about you. It makes you different from a lot of women today. You're pure and that's rare to find, you're a true gem baby and you need to start realizing that."

Wynter shrugged, "I hear you."

She didn't want to hear that because it wouldn't change the way she felt about herself.

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