Chapter Fourteen - The Morning After

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Moving around on the soft plush bed, Wynter eyes fluttered open before she shut them again finding the sunlight to be too harsh this early in the morning.

When she fully turned over, Keraun was no where on the bed to be found and she knew she had to get back home before Riley called everyone panicking about her whereabouts.

That was something she didn't need especially after the night she just had. Keraun didn't listen to her when she told him no hickies—now her body was coated in them.

His bed felt so good to where she was slowly closing her eyes to go back to sleep by placing her arm over her eyes because she was too lazy to move his blanket.

Little feet sounded like it was hitting against his floors and Wynter ignored it thinking it might just be the ugly little dog that Keraun tried to put on her yesterday.

Opening her eyes up—Wynter screamed and rolled all the way out the next side of the bed. The rolling caused the blanket to come complete off of her and she swore under her breath before reaching up and pulling it on the floor to cover up her body from the wondering eyes.

"Kai, what happened? Did you fall or something?" Ellie asked while checking Kaina out.

Kaina was facing Wynter while Ellie was too busy looking at Kai to see if anything was wrong with her. Wynter placed her finger on her lip to tell Kai not to point to her and smiled when Kai nodded and pulled her mother out of Kerauns room.

Why the fuck would he let them in knowing she was still here?

She was pissed. She didn't know where he was and she wasn't about to stick around to find out. Wynter felt like a groupie but it was also fun.

After throwing on her clothes—Wynter walked over to Kerauns window and climbed out of it once she heard him talking to Ellie.

Before she got the chance to walk away, Kai came back in the room looking for her. "Hey pretty girl." Wynter smiled at her.

Kai walked over to the window and smiled at Wynter. "It's not good to be climbing out of windows. You gonna hurt yourself."

"I'm fine, I promise but don't tell your mama or daddy that I left okay? It'll be our little secret."

"Well what are you going to give me if I don't tell? Daddy said secrets aren't good."

Wynter chuckled, "Well what do you want?"

"A dollar."

Wynter couldn't believe she was getting scammed out of a dollar by Kerauns daughter. She must of got that scamming side from her mama but Wynter already saw that she was going to be a no nonsense woman when she get older.

Digging in her purse, Wynter handed Kai two dollars. "Is it our secret now?"

"Yes, be careful pretty lady."

"You too babygirl. Don't forget it's our secret."

Wynter made sure the window wouldn't open from the outside and hightailed her ass to her car. If Kai did rat her out she didn't know what the hell she was going to do and there's no way she was going to the pharmacy with the clothes that she had on last night.

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