My Bad Boy

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I wrapped my arms around my body, feeling the cold breeze slap me in the face.

It was October and it was getting colder and colder each day. I was walking to school today because my mom was really sick and I didn't want to be rude and tell her to drop me off.

I rubbed my hands together, trying to make them at least a little bit warmer.

I heard a loud sound coming from behind me and I turned around, seeing a black mustang speeding down the road.

It passed by me, making my hair messy. I pat it down with my hands and sighed. Stupid people. I didn't like how they thought they were so cool in their nice cars.

5 minutes passed and I finally got to school. I walked down the sidewalk and furrowed my eyebrows once I saw the black mustang I saw earlier parked in front of the school.

The person was a student here? I shrugged and kept on walking. It wasn't any of my business anyways.

I opened the door and silently groaned. It was a Friday but I still wasn't happy, considering that stupid car messed up my hair and I had to deal with annoying people.

"Selena, there you are!" My friend Stacey smiled as she walked up to me

"Hey" I mumbled, not wanting to talk but didn't wanna be rude either

"Have you seen that new cute guy!" She sighed dreamily


"You need to see him! He's so hot and I'm so excited to see if I have any classes with him" she jumped happily, making her chestnut brown curls bounce

"Stacey your over exaggerating" I chuckled at her

"You're not going to be saying that once you see him" she wagged her eyebrows at me

"Whatever" I laughed

I heard the bell ring and I mentally rolled my eyes. I looked at Stacey and she just chuckled and walked to her class.

I walked down the hallway and entered my class. Almost everyone was here but I just took a seat in the back, not wanting an immature person to do something to my hair.

As everyone sat in their seat, the teacher finally began talking.


"Selena eat some food, you're too skinny" My friend Evan said, poking my stomach.

"I don't like school food, it's gross" I laughed, smacking his hand away

"I agree with Evan" Stacey said taking a bite of her burger

"You guys are mean to me" I fake pouted

"Anyways, have you seen him?" Stacey beamed excitedly

"Nope" I smiled innocently

"Why does everyone keep talking about him?" Evan frowned

"Cause he's bomb" Stacey said in a 'duh' tone

"Whatever" Evan sighed, taking a drink of his water

"I have 1 class with him so far, what about you" Stacey smiled


"Bummer," She shrugged and pulled out her phone, "He's hotter up close"

"You wanna know what else is hotter up close?" Evan smirked and we both looked at him with disgusted faces.

"My burger! You sickos" He began laughing, knowing what we were thinking.

Suddenly everyone became quiet and I looked around, wondering what happened.

"Why is everyone so quiet" I whispered to Evan and Stacey

"Maybe he's here!" Stacey quietly squealed while squeezing my hand tightly

"Ow that hurts Stacey" I complained, trying to pull my hand away from her grip.

I looked around to see why everyone got quiet and that's when I saw him. And I had to say,

He was pretty cute.

"Why does everyone go quiet for him?" I rolled my eyes

"He's new, cute, and has a nice car" Stacey nodded

"He does" Evan nodded too

"What car?" I narrowed my eyes at both of them

"A black mustang" they both said at the same time

So he was the guy that zoomed past me in the morning? Not a surprise. I scowled, he seems so rude.

"I don't get why everyone treats him like this. I know he's sorta cute and all but seriously? He's not a celebrity" I said

"Sorta cute? He's perfect" she sighed dreamily, finally letting go of my hand

"I lost circulation because of you" I mumbled, massaging my poor hand

All of a sudden everyone started talking again. I looked to where he was standing, but he was gone.

"Finally" Evan rolled his eyes

"You're just jealous because everyone likes him and not you" Stacey smirked

"And your jealous because so many girls like him and you probably won't get a chance with him" Evan smirked

I let out a laugh and Stacey glared at me.

"Who cares, now that he's here nobody will even look at you" Stacey rolled her eyes and drank her soda

"Quit bickering" I groaned

The bell rang and everyone immediately stood up and threw away their trash.

"Yay! I'm finally gonna see if I have any more classes with him!" Stacey chirped

"Whatever" Evan sighed and walked away

"He'll get over it" Stacey laughed and walked away

She really needs to learn how to say goodbye.

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