Haunted By The Past

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Our story begins with a mutant turtle named Leonardo, or Leo for short, is fast asleep in bed. However, he is currently having a nightmare about something terrible in his past.

In Leo's dream

Young Leo: "NO.....PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM!!!!!!"

Leo begged the man known as the Shredder to not kill his father and teacher Master Splinter like he has already done with his brothers and sister.

Shredder: "Say good bye Hamato Yoshi".

Shredder stabbed Splinter in the chest and dropped him to the ground. Leo was crying and frozen in fear after witnessing the horrific event.

Shredder: "You are next turtle".

Leo tried to get away, but was pinned on the ground by Shredder. Leo gasped in horror as the man who murdered his family raised his gauntlet to finish him off.

Young Leo: *crying* 'This is it....I'm going to die'.

Leo thought as he new what was going to happen to him.

But before Shredder could end Leo's life, he suddenly had a sword stabbed through his heart and was then thrown into a wall. Leo was completely shocked by who had saved him.

Young Leo: *gasp* "M-Master Splinter?!"

But shortly after that happened, Splinter fell to the ground and was losing a lot of blood. Leo quickly got up to try and help him, but he couldn't do anything. Splinter had died from the stab wound given to him earlier. Leo cried as he held on to him in a hug.

Young Leo: *crying* "Why...why did it have to be my family....... why couldn't it have been me?!!! I'm sorry...I'm so sorry......I couldn't save any of you........THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!!!!"

End of dream

Meanwhile, a girl with pink hair was desperately trying to wake Leo up from his nightmare.

???: "LEO...LEO WAKE UP...please WAKE UP!!!"

Leo suddenly jumped out of his bed in complete shock and ended up on the floor.

Leo: *gasping and crying* "Fluttershy...I...I..."

Fluttershy: "Leo...you were having that dream about your family again weren't you".

Fluttershy could see the saddness in his eyes as he nods "yes" to her and she quickly sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug. She hated seeing Leo like this because it always breaks her heart.

Leo: *crying* "I'm sorry sis, I didn't want you to see me like this again".

Fluttershy: "You don't have to apologize about that Leo, it wasn't your fault".

Leo: *crying* "BUT IT IS FLUTTERSHY, if I wasn't so scared of fighting the Shredder...Mikey, Donnie, Raph, Karai, and Master Splinter would still be here"!

Fluttershy couldn't help but let a few tears fall as she saw her adopted brother so broken down.

Fluttershy: "Leo..."

Leo: *wiping his tears* "I'm sorry Fluttershy... I didn't mean to yell at you, sometimes I just feel so alone".

Fluttershy: "Leo...look at me".

Leo looked at his sister only to see her make a reassuring smile and a look that said "everythings going to be ok".

Fluttershy: "I know how much that memory must be hurting you, but I assure you, the it will be ok because you are not alone".

As she said that, music started to play and Fluttershy began to sing.

Fluttershy: Slowly fading away
You're lost and so afraid
Where is the hope in a world so cold
Looking for a distant light
Someone who could save a life
You're living in fear that no one will hear your cries
Can you save me now

I am with you
I will carry you through it all
I won't leave you, I will catch you
When you feel like letting go
Cause you're not, you're not alone

Your heart is full of broken dreams
Just a fading memory
And everythng's gone but the pain carries on
Lost in the rain again
When will it ever end
The arms of relief seem so out of reach
But I, I am here

I am with you
I will carry you through it all
I won't leave you, I will catch you
When you feel like letting go
Cause you're not, you're not alone

And I'll be your hope when you feel like it's over
A I will pick you up when your whole world shatters
And when you're finally in my arms
Look up and see love has a face

I am with you
I will carry you through it all
I won't leave you, I will catch you
When you feel like letting go
Cause you're not, you're not alone

And I will be your hope
You're not alone
And I will pick you up
And I will be your hope
And I will be your hope

Slowly fading away
You're lost and so afraid
Where is the hope in a world so cold

When she finished singing, Fluttershy turn to Leo only to see a smile on his face.

Leo: "Thank you Fluttershy, you always know how to cheer me up and remind me that I'm not alone".

Fluttershy: "Your welcome Leo, thats what family is for".

Seeing that she had succesfully cheered her brother up, Fluttershy got up and left Leo in his room staring out his window.

Leo: *sigh* "Fluttershy's right, I'm not alone and I promise that I will not let my new family suffer through the same fate as my old one a....wait where did my mask go"?

Leo looked back to see a bunny carrying a blue ninja mask in it's mouth, which annoyed since this isn't the first time his mask was stolen by that bunny.


To be continued

TMNT belongs to Nickelodeon

MLP belongs to Hasbro

Song is called "Not Alone" - Red

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