Return of an Enemy

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It was the end of school and Fluttershy was walking towards her house with Twilight since she invited her to hang out after school.

Twilight: "Thanks for inviting me to hang out with you Fluttershy".

Fluttershy: "No problem Twilight, Leo and I thought you could use something to get your mind off of what happened today".

Twilight ended up blushing slightly at the mention of Leo's name, but Fluttershy didn't notice.

The two of them soon arrived at their destination. However, when they went inside, they were shocked to see Leo with a lot of bruises and a black eye.

Fluttershy: "OH MY GOSH"! "Leo, what happened to you"?!

Leo: *holding an ice pack on his eye* "Flash Sentry ambushed me when I was walking home".

Fluttershy went to get Leo another ice pack while Twilight stayed to help Leo however she could.

Twilight: "Are you sure you're ok"?

Leo: "I'm fine Twilight" "Besides, I've been through worse than this".

Twilight: "You mean this has happened before"?!

Leo: "Well...yeah, only this isn't as bad as the time Fluttershy and I...."

Twilight: "You and Fluttershy what"

Leo: "Um....nevermind, its just something that happened to us when we were kids" 'Probably best I don't talk to her about that whole adventure in outer space and fighting aliens'.

Twilight: "Oh....ok"

Fluttershy came back with another ice pack for Leo. Leo then proceded to tell tjem about his encounter with Flash, and how things got so bad.


Leo was walking back home after the school day had ended. He told Fluttershy that he would wait for her and Twilight at home.

Leo: I'm glad that I could help Twilight, she didn't deserve to be treated like that.

He continued walking until he reached the street that his house was located on.

But suddenly, he heard footsteps coming from behind him. He turned around only to get punched in the face and getting a black eye, while also falling to the ground. But once he looked up, he was shocked to see that the person that punched him was none other than Flash Sentry.

Flash: "That was for making a fool out of me".

Leo: "You were the one who decided to pick on my sister".

Flash: "That shy girl had it coming to her, she should've watched where she was going"!

Leo: "That doesn't mean you can just slap her like that"!

Flash: "Yes I can, I can do whatever I want" "Besides, if your so called sister was her right now, I would slap her again and make you watch". *laughs evilly*

Leo suddenly had flashbacks of the night he lost his family flooding his mind. He remembered how he had to watch it all happen right in front of him, and the thought the same thing happening again with Fluttershy angered him.

Leo: *clenching his fists* "YOU WILL NOT LAY A FINGER ON HER".

Flash: *smirk* "Oh yeah, and what are you gonna do about it freak"? "Go on, tell me what you're gonna..."

But before he could finish, Leo punched him in the face to shut him up. Flash quickly recovered from that punch and threw several punches at Leo. However Flash was a bit stronger than Leo, and ended up overpowering him. Flash kicked Leo multiple times when he knocked him to the ground. Leo quickly blocked the attack and got back up into a fighting stance. Flash then threw a punch a Leo's face and tried to kick him in the shell. Leo blocked both attacks while also knocking Flash off balance and punching his face. Leo then grabbed his face and slammed it against his knee, while also knocking him off his feet and kicking him while in mid air. Flash was in complete pain on the ground, in which Leo took the opportunity to get away and back home.

End of flashback

Twilight: "So Flash did that just to get payback for when you first fought him at school"?

Leo: *nods* "Yep, that's pretty much what he said".

Fluttershy: *feels guilty* 'I should've had Leo walk with me and Twilight'. 'Maybe then he wouldn't have gotten this hurt'

Leo: "I know that look too well". "This was not your fault Fluttershy".

Fluttershy: "But..."

Leo: "No "buts," this is nothing you should feel guilty about". "What happened has already happened so there's nothing that can be done now".

Fluttershy: *sigh* "I guess you're right". 'But I still wish I could've done something to prevent that'.

???: "HEY FREAK"!

Leo: 'Oh no, not him again'

The three of them looked out the window to see Flash glaring at them.


Leo/Fluttershy/Twilight: 'This is not going to end well'.

To be continued

TMNT belongs to Nickelodeon

MLP belongs to Hasbro

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