Gone Viral

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Down in a subway tunnel, the ninjas were dealing with a hostage situation involving the Honey Badger Ravagers.

Honey Badger 1: "Surrender ninjas"

Rainbow Dash: "Yeah, like we're actually going to surrender to the Honey Badger Ravagers".

Leo: "Ninjas, pick a target and wait for my signal".

Both sides readied their weapons and got ready to fight.

Twilight: "Just give it up badgers". "Let the hostages go and none of us will have to resort to violence".

Rainbow Dash: "But if you don't, then you can just lose to us in a matter of seconds".

Honey Badger 2: "Heh-heh, lose"?

Honey Badger 3: "You're the ones who have lost ninja". "Verminator Rex is meeting us here with the all of the Honey Badger Ravagers behind his back".

Rainbow Dash: *smirks* "You think he means the same Verminator Rex that's in a cell at M.P.3."? "And the same Honey Badger Ravagers that we took down with Mira".

Rarity: "Sorry darlings, but it would seem that you're on your own".

Honey Badger 1: *growls* "You're wrong"! "His message said that he would meet us here"!

Rainbow Dash: "Sorry to break it to you pal, but no one is coming".

Honey Badger: "No, you're lying"! "You're all lying"! "HONEY BADGER RAVAGERS, ATTACK"!

All of the badgers leg of of the hostages they were holding captive and charged at the ninjas. The hostages ran to safety as the ninjas fought off the ravagers.

Rainbow Dash ran and slid under a badger as he tried striking her with a chainsaw. Rainbow Dash countered by kicking him in the back and into a wall.

Rarity backflipped onto a support beam and jumped off of it to kick down a badger. She then threw one of her tessen to hit a badger running up to her.

Twilight dodged a chainsaw and blocked a metal pipe. She then pinned the badger's weapon down and knocked him away with a spin kick. She then rolled out of the way of a chainsaw and charged towards the second badger. Twilight swung her sword as she neared the badger. Who suddenly found his chainsaw had been cut in half. Twilight finished him off by striking him with the hilt of her weapon.

Leo leaped forward and knocked two badgers down with a split kick. A badger swung a pipe at Leo, who dodged by pulling his head into his shell before pulling it out again to knock the badger down with a strong punch.

The ninjas looked around to see that all of the badgers had been knocked out. With police sirens being heard outside, the ninjas quickly disappeared from the scene.

Back at the station, the ninjas were busy planning something special for Rarity. As this was the last week she will be in Canterlot City. They were all working in secret without Rarty knowing a thing about it.

Rainbow Dash: "Well I'd say today was a success". "We took down the Honey Badger Ravagers without even breaking a sweat".

Rarity: "With Verminator Rex gone, it would seem the ravagers aren't quite as much of a challenge".

Leo: "Yeah, but something still weird about that encounter".

Twilight: "Yeah, remember what one of the ravagers said before everything went south for them"? "About Verminator Rex sending them a message"? "If he didn't send it, then who did"?

Rainbow Dash: "Don't know, maybe it was just faked".

Twilight: "Well in any case, I'm going to be going through this phone one of the ravagers dropped". "See if I can find where that message came from".

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